View Full Version : Ill, anxious, and not sure if I need a hug or a slap!

21-10-13, 19:30
I've had a sinus infection for 10 days now. Doc gave me a steroid spray, which was helping a little but now it's worse again and the pain above my eye is horrible. I feel shivery too and generally rubbish.

I have to go on a trip on Friday eve for work, taking a group of kids out. We're going in a minibus, and this is what's worrying me. I don't like the feeling of being somewhere where I have no means of getting back. I've got all sorts of thoughts like "what if the minibus breaks down" etc etc.

I'm getting into a state for both of the above, and am now crying. In one respect I feel I need hugs, but in the other I KNOW the anxiety is just anxiety, I know I'll cope, etc, so wonder if I need a slap!

21-10-13, 19:33
For the sinus problem...Have you tried steam inhalation and alternative hot and cold compresses over the area that is painful?
I think if your sinus problem wasn't causing you so much problem, then you wouldn't be so worried about the trip. Anticipatory anxiety is awful but I am sure you will be fine when you get there.

21-10-13, 19:37
Hi Annie. Yes, tried steam inhalation and am just off to do a compress.

Thanks for your reply - everything seems worse when you're ill so hopefully I'll be ok.

21-10-13, 19:39
You have till Friday so hopefully will be much better by then :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

21-10-13, 19:48
Hope so. Am having an easy evening just lying on the sofa and will get an early night. Thenks for the hugs, much better than a slap! :hugs:

21-10-13, 19:54
You certainly don't deserve a slap! Sinus pain is horrendous!

21-10-13, 20:30
Don't worry about your trip - because you are escorting children I'm guessing every effort will be made to get them home safely with as little delay as possible. This could mean sending out another minibus or hiring 5 taxi's - whatever happens you won't be stuck anywhere. Try to relax and enjoy the trip - it might even be fun.

21-10-13, 20:41
Thanks gypcyg. I know you're right, there's just that annoying little bit of my brain doing the what ifs. I am looking forward t it in some ways though, so I just need to focus on that.