View Full Version : Worried about eye appointment

21-10-13, 20:57
I need to see an eye specialist about something with my eyes which was detected at my opticians appointment. The optician said my eyes seemed healthy and everything, but said there was something wrong, and she'd contact the eye specialist about it. I decided to miss my appointment for this due to fear, but they sent a letter back being quite blunt about what is wrong. Which in a way I needed to hear as I had not been told and this was making me even more anxious.

The letter says something along the lines of 'the nerves at the back of your eye seemed slightly swolen'
I then googled this and a massive amount of information has appeared, but sadly none of it seems good. It is just terrifying.

Since reading up on this I feel like I cant live my life anymore due to worry, and i'm fearing it'll only be much worse when they find out what is exactly wrong.

I keep crying and don't know what to do, how can i exactly reassure myself? is it possible I'm just making this worse by googling information? I hope whatever is wrong is just normal somehow. :weep:

Has anyone else had something similar, and it was ok? i need advice and reassurance for this :(

21-10-13, 21:03
I was referred to hospital after a routine eye test. My vision is perfect but they detected something on the back of my retina which wasnt there before. Of course I thought this was a growth and I was dying of a brain tumour.

I waited months for an appointment and was terrified the whole time. I went, and the doctor looked for about 10 mins before saying it was a completely harmless freckle that I was probably born with.

I know this is not quite the same as your situation, what Im trying to say is I think the opticians refer a lot of people to hospital. Im sure if they thought it was something urgent, they would have sent you STRAIGHT to hospital.

Go to your appointment. It will probably give you peace of mind