View Full Version : Mole on leg!?!?!?

21-10-13, 21:19
Pleas help me. Just seen a mole on leg (had years) has become raised up with a slight red tip in middle
Maybe I'll die before my holiday to NYC now :(

---------- Post added at 21:14 ---------- Previous post was at 21:12 ----------

It's like a red pin prick dot in. The middle. Just about to sleep. Got to be up at 6am. Now seen this and wide awake

---------- Post added at 21:18 ---------- Previous post was at 21:14 ----------

I really need some help. Can't sleep because of this now.....

---------- Post added at 21:18 ---------- Previous post was at 21:18 ----------

So close to googling.
Breathing very rapid. Heartbeat raised

---------- Post added at 21:19 ---------- Previous post was at 21:18 ----------

Had it ages and its always felt flat until now

21-10-13, 21:22
Emma we cant really comment without actually seeing the Mole but im sure its nothing major to worry about. If its getting you this worked up go to the doctor to get it checked out.

21-10-13, 21:23
I know :(
Think may have to book docs app.
Just feel unable to calm down and sleep now.
Have a vision of being diagnosed with cancer and being told got so long to live,

21-10-13, 21:24
Red is good, usually means inflammation. Sounds like a bit of ickyness under the mole to me, like a spot or something. Calm down duck x

21-10-13, 21:26


---------- Post added at 21:26 ---------- Previous post was at 21:24 ----------

Can't see tiny red pin prick spot on mole.
Wonder why it's suddenly become raised

21-10-13, 21:30
No one here can offer a diagnosis from an image. If you're concerned, it's truly best to have a doctor look at it.

Good Luck!

21-10-13, 21:35
The pinprick you describe sounds like the beginning of the head of a spot. But we aren't doctors hon so there is no point looking at pictures and playing cyber doctors. My guess is a spot. But I doubt guesswork will reassure you x

21-10-13, 21:37
Fishmampa is right Emma, or you could get the nurse at your practice to have a look:hugs:

21-10-13, 21:37
:( maybe, I hope so.
Just have a vision of being like someone on the daily mail who is told they have cancer. I could be dead soon from skin cancer.
I can't calm down,
Or attempt to sleep or anything

21-10-13, 21:39
I had something very similar on my arm went the doctors nothing to worry about ,the only way to put your mind at rest is make an appointment get it checked :)

21-10-13, 21:40
If you have skin cancer I will will upload a video of me doing the chicken dance naked but for a coating of mustard. Then you will know real fear!

21-10-13, 21:41
What if it is cancer. How will I cope?

---------- Post added at 21:41 ---------- Previous post was at 21:40 ----------

Does anyone else think it is? Or do I Sound really stupid

21-10-13, 21:44
Emma no one can tell you if it is or not hun you need to get it checked

21-10-13, 21:44
If you have skin cancer I will will upload a video of me doing the chicken dance naked but for a coating of mustard.....

There's just so many ways this thread can go South now... ~lol~

21-10-13, 21:45
Does that mean theirs a chance!?:weep:

21-10-13, 21:46
What if it is cancer. How will I cope?

---------- Post added at 21:41 ---------- Previous post was at 21:40 ----------

Does anyone else think it is? Or do I Sound really stupid

Sorry to sound harsh but my answer is "yes" to the second question.

No more stupid than most of us on here though.

As for how you would cope - you don't need to be thinking that because it's not cancer. But hypothetically, you'd cope just like every other cancer victim. Nobody wants it but they deal with it and many don't die

21-10-13, 21:48
I just need to be told I'm being an idiot ...
In a way I want someone to say ':don't be so stupid you stupid girl'
Just feel alone and afraid

21-10-13, 21:48

21-10-13, 21:52
I have . But people saying go doctors I see it as it may be cancer. :(
I have listened I'm just so anxious .
It's taking me about five attempts to be able to write my replies.
I've got no family to talk to. No friends to talk to.
At all. Just alone . Always alone.

21-10-13, 21:56
you'd cope just like every other cancer victim. Nobody wants it but they deal with it and many don't die

***raising my hand*** That's the truth!


In the time I've been in this site, you've had many, many worries and fears. Far too many for a young girl just beginning to live her life. I have a daughter your age for goodness sakes! If she were suffering as you were I would do whatever I could to help. From what I read and gathered, you don't have the ideal home situation to deal with your HA issues.

Is there someone you can turn to for help? A friend, a relative, a pastor, anyone? There's only so much the folks on this forum can do and I feel you could benefit from some direct intervention and help. You should be out and about with friends enjoying this time in your life not sitting at home in front of a computer worrying about red spots and cancer and all the other nasty things that plague your mind.

Good Luck!

21-10-13, 21:58
Emma we are all just concerned for you and going to the doctors hun will give you peace of mind :hugs:

21-10-13, 21:59
No :(
Not one relative I can talk to.
Only got one friend. Can't talk to him about it. His always out n a bout anyway with other people. Never asked to join in.
Work people always go out. I'm never invited no matter how much effort I make. :( always alone me.

---------- Post added at 21:59 ---------- Previous post was at 21:59 ----------

Mrs stress ed.- I understand. Just in a right old state xx
Thank you all for caring . Does mean a lot even though I don't show it.
Must try and get some sleep now.

21-10-13, 22:00
I have . But people saying go doctors I see it as it may be cancer. :(
I have listened I'm just so anxious .
It's taking me about five attempts to be able to write my replies.
I've got no family to talk to. No friends to talk to.
At all. Just alone . Always alone.

You aren't alone but you are being a big sillyBilly as my nan would say. People are only saying go to the docs because you won't be reassured here.

Honestly I have so many lumps and bumps that your could get a pen and use me as a giant dot to dot puzzle. They aren't cancer!

Fishmanpa - haha ha! (that's at your comment to me not your excellent advice to Emma by the way)-

22-10-13, 02:57
Hi people.
Got up to use the loo.
First thing I did was check it an the mole has definitely raised it self with the red dot in middle.
I'm to tired to worry but im so scared :(
My life feels like its over (and it could very well be )

22-10-13, 08:44
Emma, I have a few of those type of moles.

Yesterday I looked in the mirror and had a panic attack because one of my flat moles had grown a head. Well, it was cancer in my head. I showed my husband who said that a spot was on top of it, just a normal spot.

This morning it looks a bit better. It was just a spot.

Now, what I think you should do is give it a few days before taking any action.

You are so so young, way too young to think about dying :( I am not as young as you but too young to worry like I do as well.

Your home situation sounds horrible, I believe that is the main cause of your anxiety. I don't know what help you have already received but you need more.

You need to fight more, Emma. I know you feel like you are always fighting, I feel like that too, every day is one big frigging fight, but you need to fight for more help. You DESERVE to be happy Emma, you deserve to LIVE and you are not living when you are worrying about dying.

There is no magic answer, none of us would be here if there were but you need to demand more help while trying to help yourself more.

We all want 100% certainty, certainty that we don't have a cancer, certainty that we won't die young, no one has that, life is a crap shoot but we need to try to learn to live with it.

Fight more, you deserve to be happy. Physically you are a healthy young girl, your concern is your mental health, not physical xx

Take care and be kind to yourself xx

22-10-13, 09:09
Emma - people are saying to go to the docs because (a) realistically none of us are medical professionals, (b) even if we were, you can't tell anything useful from that photo, and (c) it's been pretty clear previously that you won't be reassured by anything we tell you! I have loads of moles - hereditary thing - and sometimes get spots under/on them. I also have pale moles with a dark brown spot in the middle which are apparently nothing to worry about. So it's probably completely fine. To be honest, even if the doctor looks at that and thinks it might be dodgy (which I really strongly doubt), all that will happen is that you'll have it removed, which is a really straightforward procedure.

22-10-13, 10:13
Hi Emma. As I've said before, try putting some cbt into practice. It's not easy but the more you do it, the easier it will become and little by little the more your brain will believe it.

So, your worry is the mole. You believe it could be cancer. Now write down alternative thoughts, like others have said, it could be a spot on it for example. You need to try and balance your thoughts, so as well as writing the worst case scenario, write some less serious ones that it could also be.

CBT is a huge help for anxiety, but takes time, effort and practice. It's worth it tho.


22-10-13, 10:19
HI Emma

If you are concerned like others have said please go to the doctors, you will only worry yourself more, also even though I have been guilty of doing it don't Google it.

22-10-13, 10:43
Apart from anything else, unless you have spent a lot of time on tanning beds or sunbathing without high enough factor sun cream, you are far too young to have this type of cancer - it would be extremely unusual.

Hypo is right abut your situation at home. Have you ever contacted anybody about finding some alternative accommodation? That's the root of your problem.

22-10-13, 14:44
No :(
Not one relative I can talk to.
Only got one friend. Can't talk to him about it. His always out n a bout anyway with other people. Never asked to join in.
Work people always go out. I'm never invited no matter how much effort I make. :( always alone me.

---------- Post added at 21:59 ---------- Previous post was at 21:59 ----------

Mrs stress ed.- I understand. Just in a right old state xx
Thank you all for caring . Does mean a lot even though I don't show it.
Must try and get some sleep now.

Emma you've answered your own post again hun.

You are a very unhappy girl right now, you feel lonely and isolated and it's because of these things that you're getting hooked on other issues hun.

You really need to change your lifestyle completely, I know that sounds really difficult to do, but it needs doing hun.

Can you speak with either your therapist or doctor and really tell them how you're feeling right now? See what they may be able to do to help you more.

It's kind of like you've got stuck in this rut that you now can't climb back out from...........with help and guidance you can though hun :)

I'll bet you a pound to a penny that when you're away in America, you won't have any physical symptoms or worries at all..........and..........do you know why?.............because you'll just be too busy enjoying yourself and feeling happy that nothing else will be able to bother you.......and that will prove the case hun :)

I'm not even going to mention about your latest worry, because that is not the issue hun is it?? :hugs: :hugs:

22-10-13, 14:54
If its caught early its unlikely to kill you, I thought that I was going to die of skin cancer a few months ago so I had a biopsy done, and turns out it was just a normal, slightly funny looking mole. It had changed shape and was really irregular and looked a bit like the photos they show of melanoma :( so I freaked out so much! But yeah it was absolutely fine, go drs for peace of mind :)

22-10-13, 18:22
How are you today Emma?

I agree so much with many previous posters - having gone through some of your post history, you badly need to be away from there.

I can help you find resources and the like if you want. IM me if you do.

22-10-13, 18:30
I previously mentioned online social sites where you can meet friends. I did it when I moved to a new area, and have met some great people. It's worth a shot, as too much time to think isn't good. Or get a hobby like a sport, language, arts, etc and you'll meet people. That will keep you busy and get you out of the house.

There are lots of websites doing good house shares out there, that's worth a look. I don't know where you live, but lots are round £300 including bills. That way, you can move into a better environment AND you'll meet people. There are lots of people who can't afford a place of their own and house shares can work really well.

22-10-13, 18:50
Thanks for all the lovely responses guys and girls, ladies and gents :).
Well been at work today- surprise surprise didn't even think of the mole until about lunch time (busy morning) and took a peak (its slightly more raised today I ip think and still the dot in middle) anyway of of that.... But still convinced I have cancer.
Katesa- what resources do you have? I earn £234 a week. Rent in my city is about £600 a month I think.
My house is ok at the moment, but parents just bicker all the time and a nasty to each other.
I'm 19- nearly 20!... And all I think is omg I am dying everyday. I don't want to regret anything when/if I'm older.
Moosie- I can't wait till America now. 23rd November we go. Hopefully it's great trip.

22-10-13, 18:56
You'd be able to afford the house shares I mentioned.
How's the cbt going?

22-10-13, 18:56
I don't have any yet as I don't know much about you but I meant like trying to find out whether you're entitled to any help with regards to housing etc

Also, Lizzie made a great suggestion. I was very shy as a young adult after some trauma in my life. I joined a historical re-enactment group and had the time of my bloody life! Travelling all over every weekend, made fantastic friends with similar interests who I still have to this day (and can barely get rid of lol)

Life doesn't have to be the way you've got it x

22-10-13, 20:22
CBt not to bad.
Don't know why I gave in and had such a huge panic over this,
Yes lizzie, I could afford that, does that mean share with a total stranger?
I just don't see how this can be anything other than cancer,
I can't even find a better reason for the raised mole n red pin prick spot on it(defo not a spot far to small)
It must be cancer,
I know pain around heart is muscular but I can not reason this,

22-10-13, 20:30
It must be cancer,

In the nicest way possible Emma, that is nonsense.

It's like me saying, oh my toenail hurts, it's not a duck so it must be Aids.

Leave the diagnosing of what "must" be cancer or not to the professionals.

22-10-13, 20:55
Emma, as I said, try putting the cbt into practise and looking at rational alternatives to what it could be.

Yes, the house share would mean sharing with strangers... But that's what thousands of people your age do when they go to uni!

Did you book a doctors appointment?

22-10-13, 21:09
I can't think of anything rational :(
It's not a spot,
Their really isn't anything else :(
Lizzie, I have to try harder. I will do some research at the weekend.
No havnt booked docs app x

22-10-13, 21:23
There isn't anything else? What about a spot that is smaller than you expect, a bite by one of the thousands of mosquito and flies out there at the moment, a small puncture wound, a bit of inflammation from scratching or irritating it in your sleep, etc etc?

Have you been googling?

Emma CBT wont help you unless you actually try to practice the principles to it. If you are this afraid then you need to see your doctor because we don't seem able to reassure you.

---------- Post added at 21:23 ---------- Previous post was at 21:14 ----------

I gave up and actually looked at the picture. That, together with your description of the red dot and lump makes me think it's a blocked hair follicle. So that's ANOTHER possible cause for you.

22-10-13, 21:23
I have to agree with Kate. There are LOTS of other things it could be.

And you do need to put that cbt into practice.

The only person who can tell you what the mark is, as we've all said, is the doctor, so why haven't you made an appointment?

I've had lots of blocked hair follicles over the year, totally harmless.

22-10-13, 21:54
Emma, my mole on my face is raised, JUST like yours.

It's a spot on top of it, it could also just be irritated by a hair.

If you don't want to see your GP a pharmastic can be good to talk to, I have asked them to look at moles before. They aren't qualified to diagnose you but mine told me that two of mine don't fit the criteria for suspicious mole. With the usual caveat that they aren't qualified etc. Sometimes it helps speaking to a professional who aren't seeing it through anxious eyes.

I am NOT a GP, but I see nothing to suggest this is suspicious. If it doesn't go back to normal in a few days then see someone.

22-10-13, 23:17
Emma when you come back, you have some lovely people here trying to help you. Listen to them.

I'm stepping out of this thread now. Good luck to you.

24-10-13, 19:14
Hi Emma. Did you manage to book a docs appt or are you feeling better about the mole now?
Did you look into house shares?

25-10-13, 19:27
Hellooo .
I have booked a docs app.
I havnt looked at mole all day today, barely thought about it.
I havnt looked at house shares,
Seeing my one friend Sunday though and i know he wants to move out to

25-10-13, 19:31
Good, glad you're not thinking about it too much.

That's an idea to move in with your friend - why not see what's out there and get an idea so when you see him on Sunday you can make some suggestions?

25-10-13, 19:32
That could work well for both of you then to get a flat together, it is a lot cheaper to live with someone else, plus you already know them, so not like sharing with strangers

25-10-13, 19:35
Definitely. It'll be really exciting! If you start looking now you could find somewhere for when you get back from new york. Then you'd have your own place to decorate for Christmas, have Christmas parties etc!

25-10-13, 20:38
All sounds like a good plan. :)
I will speak to him on Sunday in person.
Still worried about cancer,
I'm knackered all the time to, despite sleeping 9-10 hours a night

25-10-13, 20:39
Put your cbt into practise. When's your next session?

25-10-13, 20:47
Next Friday.
My tiredness is probably due to me getting up at 5:45am mon-fri and leaving home at 6:30am and coming home for 5:45pm from work :)

25-10-13, 21:00
That's better! :-) Everyone gets tired, and if you're up at that time every day you're bound to be.

PLEASE try and have a worry-free weekend and enjoy your time with your friend. Keep busy, not too much thinking! ;-)

26-10-13, 21:25
Wake up today with runny nose, sore throats, probes why I was knackerrd yesterday ll,

27-10-13, 01:30
There's been a cold going round here Emma too hun.

Have a good rest over the weekend and I hope you feel better soon hun :hugs:

27-10-13, 16:20
Thanks moosie :)
Yer been one going round work. So no surprise really :)

01-11-13, 17:15
How did your docs appt go?

Did you have any luck with shared accommodationg?