View Full Version : blood taste in mouth

22-10-13, 07:45
I think i said ehen i was brushing my teeth i could see blood, nut i also get a blood taste in mouth maybe once or twice a day which is adding to my anxiety. I have been coughing for about 3/4 weeks now and i wasn't very well over the weekend.
Also this morning what woke me up was a bad pressure feeling on the side of my chest left side but i got up panicking and it went after a couple of seconda. :( im such a bad state at the moment and i have to try and act normal in uni which is the hard part.

22-10-13, 10:45
How often are you brushing your teeth? Bleeding gums is a sign of gum disease so you should probably brush more often or use a tooth paste and/or mouthwash specifically for gum disease prevention.

22-10-13, 16:10
I really cant see it being my gums because ive had bleeding gums before and this is nothing like that. I normally only brush once but for the past 3 weeks i been brushing twice due to the sore in my mouth and ive started using corsodyl because of the cut/sore on my gum.
There is not always blood in my mouth but sometimes when i cough its just the taste of blood but no blood, but sometimes there is blood which i dont know where its from and its only a tiny bit. maybe. pin amount

22-10-13, 16:28
Why can you not see it is your gums??

I have this too. I brush twice a day, use mouthwash, floss etc, and I still spit some blood when brushing. If you only brush once daily, yes it is your gums. You are supposed to brush a minimum of twice daily to maintain healthy gums and teeth, and also floss.

Mine comes and goes. When I am a little more thorough when brushing, and make sure I don't miss the brushing before bed (sometimes I am just too knackered to bother, admittedly) I find it goes again.

It is no big deal.

If you have spat blood, it figures you will taste it in your mouth. When you say you cough and taste blood, how do you know it is blood and not just mucous you are tasting??

It is kind of hard to know what to say when you post about spitting blood, get a very useful answer and then don't accept it. What answers/reassurance are you looking for hun??

22-10-13, 18:33
Because the fact that theres blood in my mouth when Its not just brushing and doing other things like eating or just coughing there is blood.
If it sounds like I'm not taking advice then i must be interpreting myself incorrectly, I'm just scared.

22-10-13, 19:02
If you are getting blood in your mouth when coughing then you should tell a doctor really to be honest.

22-10-13, 19:12
Because the fact that theres blood in my mouth when Its not just brushing and doing other things like eating or just coughing there is blood.
If it sounds like I'm not taking advice then i must be interpreting myself incorrectly, I'm just scared.

If i misconstrued what you said in your initial post, I apologise RVP, however you didn't appear to indicate you were literally coughing up blood. In the second post you said you were coughing but no blood but then sometimes blood too, so I wasn't sure what you meant.

I agree with Nicola. If you are literally coughing up blood, then you do need to see a doctor about that. Bear in mind though you also have a sore spot on your gum. It may be possible that is getting irritated when you eat and bleeding and the coughing is a red herring/coincidental.

I hope you find an answer soon.x

22-10-13, 19:24
i'm not literally coughing up blood, like i haven't coughed up blood and seen blood, but its little things like coughing whilst doing my brush.
coughing but having the blood taste in my mouth.
eating and finding blood in my mouth.
i'm always coughing currently as i have had a cough for about 3 weeks now, i did have a fever over the weekend and still recovering.

Sorry for being unclear, i don't know how to put it any other way.

22-10-13, 19:30
I think its still likely to be your teeth or gums or the sore rather than anything serious, perhaps its your throat from the coughing and a small blood vessel

23-10-13, 05:53
I remember years ago coughing up blood but it was from having a bad throat infection and all that coughing tore my throat a little. It was nothing, antibiotics took care of that.