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View Full Version : Weight Gain :-(

22-10-13, 10:32
Hi, I am so wound up about my weight gain. I am now a size 26 in trousers and it is scaring me :weep:

I was a comfortable 24 but over the last two months I have gone up, this adds to my fear of Ovarian Cancer. From my previous posts you can see I have been to the doctors had an ultrasound and they found a simple cyst, nothing to worry about they said.

That helped for a while but I am worried that there is something wrong because I am putting on weight. I know I am big girl but I am trying to eat healthy and make lifestyle changes. I measure my waist and hips everyday!

I think I am driving my partner mad with it, he said I wont see results instantly and the weight never goes where you want it to first. For me all my weight is round my middle, typical, apple shape.

I go on holiday and Saturday and I am also worried that the plane seatbelt will not fit.

I am just one big worrier at the moment.

22-10-13, 10:44
Why don't you keep an honest food diary, that way you can get an idea of where the weight is coming from?

22-10-13, 11:14
Thank you, I think the key word there is being honest. It has just freaked me out as I read a story on good old Dr Google and one lady with OC just had weight gain. Will I ever learn.

22-10-13, 13:42
When you say "trying to eat healthy".. to me that has all the clues.

Either you are eating healthy or not.. to lose weight 1500 calories per day max is what I did.

Only you can tell if you are managing to stick to that or not or doing any daily exercise that is enough to make you sweat for 30 mins.

I know it takes a lot of will power but you know its best for your health. I wouldn't measure every day, once a week on the scales at most.

Personal advice would be pay no attention to low fat diet foods (they tend to make up on the taste with even more sugar). Trials have shown people even put on weight while on such diets.

Just eat v low sugar, low gi carbs and lots of fresh fish/white meat and veg/salad. If you are hungry have extra portions of the veg.

Sainsburys do a low gi pasta which is great. Don't keep ANY junk food in the house. And buy some healthy snacks like oat biscuits/ low sugar yogurt for allowed daily snack time.

If you want any tips on diets feel free to email me - I dropped 2 stone without even trying on this diet earlier this year. Obviously you can't go back on the junk food after though, it has to be a change for good.

All the best

22-10-13, 15:26
I am driving my partner mad with it, he said I wont see results instantly and the weight never goes where you want it to first. For me all my weight is round my middle, typical, apple shape.

He's absolutely right. You've gained some weight in the last two months. It will take at least two months or more to lose it. The first place the weight goes on you is the last place it comes off. This is physiological fact. There is no diet, pill or exercise that will miraculously make it happen. Common sense nutrition, (taking in less calories than your body needs), proper hydration (drink WATER) and exercise, any exercise... walking for instance, will get you there.

Good Luck

PS: it's not cancer ;)

22-10-13, 15:34
Hi, I gained weight this year but I'm losing it slowly by using the MyFitnessPal app and eating 1200-1600 cals a day, depending on my activity. I've lost 7lbs so far :) I was worried my weight gain was from a health problem, but in hindsight I think it may simply have been from eating too much food LOL. :doh:

24-10-13, 09:02
Thanks for the replies, I am looking at the GI plan and that seems to suit me. Also, I have downloaded MyFitnessPal app and I go way over my calories, which I did not realise. I need to stop worrying and get on with it.