View Full Version : Please help me get through this relapse (pain = lung cancer. Again)

22-10-13, 12:18
Hi everyone,

I've been making some progress recently - I've been on medication for a few weeks and been a lot better. I also have my first private psychotherapy appointment at the end of this week. I've been less of a pain in the backside to my husband and less self focused. I told my doctor that I don't want any tests unless she believes them to be necessary, not to "reassure" me and I'm sticking with it. Oh and I also used my HA to quit smoking - I'm two months in now and certain this is it!

However, today is a bad day, a bit of a relapse and I would be grateful for any help or support.

It is now 6 weeks since I started getting intermittent pain on my shoulder, upper back, upper arm and neck - all on the right hand side.

I have not been googling, but I did previously and boy, do I wish I could unlearn what I "know".

My worry is lung cancer. I'm only 29 but I remember reading that shoulder/upper back pain can be a symptom.

The pain in my arm and shoulder seems now to be affected by movement but what sort of movement seems to change every day - for example, two days ago, putting my arm behind me hurt and today reaching sideways does.

The mid back pain just comes for a few seconds every now and then and is more discomfort than actual pain. It's not as frequent as it was to start with.

To be honest, none of the pain is excruciating at the moment. I've had days now and then where the pain in my arm or shoulder has been really bad but most days it's pretty mild.

I know nobody can diagnose me but has anyone ever had anything similar that lasted this long?

I was previously examined by a 5 doctors - all of them did a stethoscope exam and said my lungs sounded clear and said "the cause is not respiratory". They said a chest x-ray was not necessary and if anything, an x ray of the shoulder would be ordered but only later, if it doesn't go away. I also had a lot of blood tests which came back "perfect".

On the plus side, the cough I had has been greatly eased by the new nasal spray I was given for my post nasal drip last week and my chest pain seems to have disappeared after being prescribed an anti-bile/acid medication so I am no longer concerned that they are symptoms.

Thank you for reading all x

22-10-13, 14:51
Hi, about the pain you've been experiencing, I get pain like that just from day to day moving around (at work I do a fair amount of lifting). If you look at the statistics for lung cancer, the majority are lifelong heavy smokers, usually elderly.

As you're young its really really unlikely statistically, also it would have shown when the doctors listened to your lungs :)

Hope you feel better soon!:hugs:I know how horrible it is to worry about something like that :weep: x

22-10-13, 15:00
Hi everyone,

I've been making some progress recently - I've been on medication for a few weeks and been a lot better. I also have my first private psychotherapy appointment at the end of this week. I've been less of a pain in the backside to my husband and less self focused. I told my doctor that I don't want any tests unless she believes them to be necessary, not to "reassure" me and I'm sticking with it. Oh and I also used my HA to quit smoking - I'm two months in now and certain this is it!

I was previously examined by a 5 doctors - all of them did a stethoscope exam and said my lungs sounded clear and said "the cause is not respiratory". They said a chest x-ray was not necessary and if anything, an x ray of the shoulder would be ordered but only later, if it doesn't go away. I also had a lot of blood tests which came back "perfect".

On the plus side, the cough I had has been greatly eased by the new nasal spray I was given for my post nasal drip last week and my chest pain seems to have disappeared after being prescribed an anti-bile/acid medication so I am no longer concerned that they are symptoms.

Thank you for reading all x

So when you remove the little negative blip in the middle, this is a great post!


Good Luck!

22-10-13, 15:00
Now, is it my turn to tel you to sort yourself out :)

1) It is a statistical non event that you would have lung cancer. In fact on average per year there are 8 people aged 25-29 nationally who are diagnosed. That represents a roughly a 1.2 in 300,000 chance. I have no idea about heredity with lung cancer, but I would imagine that those 8 had some serious predisposing factors - which you don't. Yes smoking is a risk, but not until you have been puffing away for many years.

2) My wife has had so much shoulder pain recently that she has been paying out for physio. I have no idea what the cause was, but it has literally lasted months. She hasnt been able to sleep on her back and it is affected by random movement.

I think (well you know I do) that you are doing the right things. Stay strong. You dont have LC.

22-10-13, 15:05
Thank you thank you and thank you.

Rosie - I do have a rather heavy (28lb!) 7 month old who I haven't yet taught to change his own nappies so maybe that's affecting it. Thank you.

Fishmanpa - I knew I could rely on you. Thank you.

CP - Thank you mate. Needed that today.


22-10-13, 15:07
Hi everyone,

I've been making some progress recently - I've been on medication for a few weeks and been a lot better. I also have my first private psychotherapy appointment at the end of this week. I've been less of a pain in the backside to my husband and less self focused. I told my doctor that I don't want any tests unless she believes them to be necessary, not to "reassure" me and I'm sticking with it. Oh and I also used my HA to quit smoking - I'm two months in now and certain this is it!

Thank you for reading all x

There you go I edited it for you x

---------- Post added at 15:07 ---------- Previous post was at 15:06 ----------

Thank you thank you and thank you.

Rosie - I do have a rather heavy (28lb!) 7 month old who I haven't yet taught to change his own nappies so maybe that's affecting it. Thank you.

Fishmanpa - I knew I could rely on you. Thank you.

CP - Thank you mate. Needed that today.


Before my kids were old enough to not want to be carried so much I developed a right bicep like Popeye and a really sore back so that is very logical!

22-10-13, 15:12
There you go I edited it for you x

---------- Post added at 15:07 ---------- Previous post was at 15:06 ----------

Before my kids were old enough to not want to be carried so much I developed a right bicep like Popeye and a really sore back so that is very logical!

You're right, that post does sound better!

And yeah - I bought a sling thinking it would help me if I carried him in it - the little fatty broke it within 2 hours! Back to the drawing board

22-10-13, 18:45
You're right, that post does sound better!

And yeah - I bought a sling thinking it would help me if I carried him in it - the little fatty broke it within 2 hours! Back to the drawing board

Wow he sounds a right little buster! Has he got lots of cute rolls of fat, and lines where his wrists should be? I love it when they're all chubby!

22-10-13, 18:50
If I can work out how, I'll IM you a picture Lizzie. He is a bit chunky - definitely has creases! - but he's also ridiculously tall (the pediatrician we saw last week said he's around the height of an average 18 month old) so it seems to balance it out a bit.

The only problem is, people think he's much older than he is so they think he's developmentally behind because he can't say more than "mama" "Dada" and "WAAAH!" or walk x

22-10-13, 18:54
My friend has a baby who's really tall and she weighs loads too! Far better for them to be that way though - my friend never has to worry if she's off her food as she has reserves!

22-10-13, 18:58
lol that is so true!

To be honest I got a bit bored of explaining that he's just big at the baby groups (so many competitive Mums there!) so I now just smile and say "Yeah, he's not that bright. But he can walk through walls!"

22-10-13, 19:06
They all develop at their own stages and are all individuals, so people shouldn't be competitive. I suppose it's perhaps natural to some degree, but I wouldn't dream of commenting about someone's baby's development!