View Full Version : throat pain - could it be cancer?

22-10-13, 14:48
So at work last week I was cleaning for about 4 or 5 hours, and using anti bac spray so I breathed some in.

For the last few days I've had a stabbing pain in my throat, it feels like its in the front of my throat.

Could I have got cancer from breathing it in? Or could it have triggered the start of cancer? :huh:

I don't smoke/drink (those are meant to be risk factors), but a few years ago I used to smoke socially. I haven't for nearly a year though.

Atm I'm really freaking out because I kind of feel like there might be a lump, but I've had a bit of a cold which is just going so I don't know which is which:shrug:

Sorry if this sounds really dumb, but I am terrified atm and fighting the urge to hysterically call a doctor. :scared15::wacko: BTW I'm 19

Thanks for any replies xx

22-10-13, 14:57
Cancer doesn't just magically appear one day and grow like mold on old bread. By the time it's discovered (especially oral cancers), it's been there for some time. Also, cancer would not magically appear just because you possibly breathed in a molecule or so of a cleaner.

It's most likely an irritation/leftover from the cold you have/had. You don't smoke, drink and you're 19 years old. I believe I can say with all certainty, you're fine and it's NOT cancer ;)

And I'm an oral cancer survivor.

Good Luck!

22-10-13, 15:10
Hi babs,

The short answer to your question is "No".

The long answer is exactly what Fishmanpa said above. Strangely enough, I've had the "front of throat" pain thing recently - my doc said it was either muscular, left over from a virus, or related to my postnasal drip.

I promise, you're fine. x