View Full Version : Can anyone from the UK explain the Daily Mail to me? :)

22-10-13, 22:16

Like many HA sufferers, I am prone to googling my symptoms and diagnosing myself with every cancer under the sun. I've noticed that many times when I do this, an article will pop up from the Daily Mail in the UK. I don't know anything about the Daily Mail since I'm from the US, but I've noticed they always post really scary stuff about some poor soul who had a rather benign symptom and it turned out to be stage 4 of whatever cancer it might be. I mean I know that these things can happen in life, but can you guys tell me - is this kind of like a tabloid magazine that just publishes these sensationalist stories? Can they even be trusted for accuracy? I was hoping if my suspicions were correct maybe it would help me not pay attention to them as much :) Thanks!

22-10-13, 22:21
They are a right wing tabloid pile of journalistic ********. They hate foreigners, gays, and socialism and love to scare people.

Commonly known as "the daily fail" or "the daily heil" due to their historic support of Hitler. I ignore them always

22-10-13, 22:23
The Daily Mail is a rag. They pretend to be so where between a tabloid and a broadsheet, but in reality they put forwards stories of doom, misery laced with a bit of racism here and there.

Accusing someone of being a Mail reader in the UK is widely regarded as an insult. Everything is carcenegenic and we are all going to die, if not from some horrible disease, from global warming, swarm of locusts, the plague or anything else.

That said, I great friend of mine is a sports journalist for the Mail so I have to say that their sports coverage is second to none :)

NE21 worrier
22-10-13, 22:24
I mean I know that these things can happen in life, but can you guys tell me - is this kind of like a tabloid magazine that just publishes these sensationalist stories? Can they even be trusted for accuracy?

Hello there,

You may be from over the pond but I would say that you've got good instinct. The Daily Mail is indeed just a sensationalist, right-wing rag and I wouldn't trust it as far as pretty much anything is concerned, to be honest.

More generally, I find that medical/scientific journalism - unless it is in a medical journal - is usually, at best, sensationalist and, at worst, totally inaccurate.

My view: Stick to getting medical advice from the professionals (doctors, therapists etc), and not the papers.

Peter :)

22-10-13, 22:25
In fact press journalism in this country is universally shit!

22-10-13, 22:27
In fact press journalism in this country is universally shit!

Except the guardian - though I would say that, since it's leftist slant fits my own preference :)

22-10-13, 22:31
The daily mail is sensationalist rubbish and utter c**p. Not worthy to even hold your fish and chips in!! :mad:

22-10-13, 22:32
To be honest I don't have the attention span for reading......I get all my news from 5live which may skew my understanding of current affairs.

22-10-13, 22:34
The daily mail is sensationalist rubbish and utter c**p. Not worthy to even hold your fish and chips in!! :mad:

My husband just said that in its defense, it's strong and absorbent in an emergency

22-10-13, 22:35
LOL - well it looks like my instincts were spot on then! I will definitely steer clear! Every time I read something it seems like it is intentionally trying to scare the crap out of anyone who reads it.

22-10-13, 22:36
Really?? I wish I knew that when we are stuck up a mountain in the Pyrenees for two days to watch the Tour de France, or when Jasper was eating an aero yoghurt and sneezed on my ipad without a baby wipe in sight!

22-10-13, 22:37
The problem with the daily mail is that as you have said that if you go on there to look at an article on any section within 2 minutes you are reading about a young person who had a cold and a week later diagnosed with terminal cancer.. It can set your health anxiety back years! I really try and avoid it if I can as i have in the past caused me many a panic!!! help yourself - DONT READ THE MAIL WEBSITE ESPECIALLY HEALTH PAGE

22-10-13, 22:41
LOL - well it looks like my instincts were spot on then! I will definitely steer clear! Every time I read something it seems like it is intentionally trying to scare the crap out of anyone who reads it.

Bingo! Especially if you're a job stealing foreigner or have The Gay. They get special bonuses for scaring them

---------- Post added at 22:41 ---------- Previous post was at 22:38 ----------

Really?? I wish I knew that when we are stuck up a mountain in the Pyrenees for two days to watch the Tour de France, or when Jasper was eating an aero yoghurt and sneezed on my ipad without a baby wipe in sight!


22-10-13, 23:45
Daily mail is equivalent to fox news in fact it's even worse - they are racist, homophobic, sexist, xenophobic, sensationalist and extreme. They try to appeal to very right wing working class people who despise gays, foreigners, people on welfare etc. it's basically if mitt romney owned a paper it would be dm. they only report health stories that are very extreme.

shame to think a tree died for that sh*t.

23-10-13, 11:05
Daily Mail is the worst newspaper but reading their half-fiction stories can be quite entertaining if you take it with a pinch of salt. I do agree to avoid the health page though.

23-10-13, 11:21
I was in the Daily Mail many years ago:


23-10-13, 11:31
I was in the Daily Mail many years ago

I remember reading that when I first had a panic attack. It really helped. :D

23-10-13, 11:32
Wow Jeo - I am surprised you remember that lol

23-10-13, 11:41
Daily Mail:
Right wing rag pretending to be a respectable newspaper.

Main content of stories includes (but not limited to): Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, Bashing of the poor, disabled and other defenseless groups of society.

Most articles are badly researched and poorly written sensationalism.

Best avoided - although the comments sections of stories can make for an entertaining read sometimes.

23-10-13, 11:45
Wow Jeo - I am surprised you remember that lol

Well, I had my first just over a year ago and I found the article after searching Google :P

---------- Post added at 10:45 ---------- Previous post was at 10:44 ----------

Daily Mail:
Right wing rag pretending to be a respectable newspaper.

Main content of stories includes (but not limited to): Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, Bashing of the poor, disabled and other defenseless groups of society.

Most articles are badly researched and poorly written sensationalism.

Best avoided - although the comments sections of stories can make for an entertaining read sometimes.

I love the comments. You get so many angry people. They've added a reply function now for even more entertainment.

23-10-13, 11:52
I remember seeing an article in the Mail a few years ago about 'why women can't drive'.

It was hilarious. Stating 'facts' about an inferior sense of spatial awareness etc. It was so wrong.

Everybody knows it's because they're doing their make up and thinking of chocolate.

23-10-13, 12:30
I been reading a lot of daily mail articles about said subject cancer, it does scared me which probably why I been to the doctors a number of times over my abdominal pain. From all my entries I may need keyhole.

23-10-13, 13:18

Like many HA sufferers, I am prone to googling my symptoms and diagnosing myself with every cancer under the sun. I've noticed that many times when I do this, an article will pop up from the Daily Mail in the UK. I don't know anything about the Daily Mail since I'm from the US, but I've noticed they always post really scary stuff about some poor soul who had a rather benign symptom and it turned out to be stage 4 of whatever cancer it might be. I mean I know that these things can happen in life, but can you guys tell me - is this kind of like a tabloid magazine that just publishes these sensationalist stories? Can they even be trusted for accuracy? I was hoping if my suspicions were correct maybe it would help me not pay attention to them as much :) Thanks!

They're good for a laugh, but that's about it! Seriously though, don't take anything they say seriously. Best avoided to be honest!:)

23-10-13, 16:20
God the daily mail health stories have made me self diagnosed a heart condition, and I worry about it daily! Hate the stupid scaremongering stories, no good for people like us!

23-10-13, 16:41
I read the Daily Mail. Seems I am in the minority here clearly, but that doesn't worry me.

Yes, a lot of their stories are on the right side of the political fence. They publish a lot of bullshit stories, especially about health that scare the bejesus out of everyone, and I don't agree with their viewpoints on many things, but one thing I will say is they print the harsh TRUTH about the NHS, immigration and the benefits system in this God foresaken mess of a country, but because this place is so ludicrously politically correct now, nobody is allowed to say a Goddamned word, and frankly it makes me want to puke. If you have contrary opinions, or want to have a simple, rational discussion about any of those things and their impact on the UK, you are branded 'rascist' or 'right wing' or 'xenophobic'.

If my view that it makes me angry and bitter that i worked for 22 years paying taxes and am not entitled to jack shit now I cannot nurse anymore due to stress, when there are people in this country doing squat for megabucks makes me 'right wing' too then so be it.

23-10-13, 16:53
Not sure the Daily Mail could ever be accused of stimulating a rational discussion :)

Personally I think there is a real place for discussion on all of those things that don't in turn make you a racist xenophobe.

They also don't necessarily print the TRUTH. They print their perspective of the truth that you happen in the context of the NHS to agree with, I on the other hand may take a different view, which would then in turn make what they print to be lies :) . All media, is merely commentary from a particular perspective and read in isolation only presents a tiny part of the real picture.

Media coverage is designed solely for titilation and entertainment, I think to get a real view you need to take the whole picture and make your own judgement which in itself will always be underpinned by a huge degree of individual perspective.

23-10-13, 16:55
Debs that's awful that you're not entitled to anything especially after contributing for so many years, and especially as a nurse (who in my opinion are undermined anyway but thats a different thread).

I think the problem with the daily mail is that it basically makes out that everybody on benefits is lazy, workshy and living a life of luxury etc, when in reality most people on benefits do not live in luxury at all, they struggle and are desparate for work. The minority who use it as a lifestyle choice certainly need to be stopped and I see the issue completely but I hate the way they demonize an.entire section of society based on the actions of a minority.

Oh and dont get me started on their views about prison! :)

23-10-13, 17:05
Not sure the Daily Mail could ever be accused of stimulating a rational discussion :)..... They also don't necessarily print the TRUTH. They print their perspective of the truth that you happen in the context of the NHS to agree with

I actually did not say that the 'rational discussion' came via the DM if you read the post.

I meant that in GENERAL you cannot have a rational discussion about these things without being branded anything other than derogatory.

As for the NHS 'truth', well I think having worked in the system for many years, yes, it's the truth in my opinion. I am sure if you ask most other NHS employees, I'm not alone in that either.

23-10-13, 17:27
A scaremongering and contradictory newspaper, I avoid it, it is terrible for people with HA.

23-10-13, 17:36
Its terrible for people with HA. The possibilty that I had undiagnosed heart condition hadn't even crossed my mind until I.read an article in the daily mail. Now I'm torn between.deciding which one I have!

23-10-13, 17:54
Its terrible for people with HA. The possibilty that I had undiagnosed heart condition hadn't even crossed my mind until I.read an article in the daily mail. Now I'm torn between.deciding which one I have!

Yep me too! Have diagnosed myself with some awful illnesses thanks to Daily Mail online. I steer well clear of it now. :)

23-10-13, 18:02
It's amazing how their articles are always akin the first couple of results too! Rather than more rational balanced websites. I've learned to avoid it, and avoid the news in general - there's too much tragedy & fear involved in what they do.