View Full Version : Head

22-10-13, 22:36
Urgh today's bothersome symptom is ringing in my ears. I've suffered from it for a long time but its really starting to nark me.
I was just sat here relaxing and all of a sudden my head went all full feeling and my ear ringing got louder.
When id been out earlier I got in and it started up louder.
It's not pulsating like some people get, more a constant ringing. It's really loud atm.
Is this symptomatic of something worrying? Blood pressure? Worse? Or is it just normal? And what about the cotton wool full feeling in my ears and head?

22-10-13, 22:38
Mine are the same, have been for ages and it is anxiety, the more anxious I get the worse the ringing is. I have had some problems with wax as well though so you might want to get that checked.

22-10-13, 22:47
Cheers, I do have quite waxy ears actually.
What about the filling up blocked feeling though? I'm worried its blood pressure related or something. My bp is on the lower side :(

22-10-13, 23:25
My bp is very low. That has nothing to do with it. Your eustation tubes are probably a bit blocked. Try a steam inhalation. You could also get some olive oil ear drops from the chemist to loosen the wax.

23-10-13, 10:32
Thanks again.
My nose is feeling a bit stuffy today so hopefully its just the two being related. Just sat here and all of a sudden my hearing went fuzzy, blocked and ears rang louder again :(