View Full Version : My new 'C' fear

22-10-13, 23:11
Hi. My last posts have all been focussed around my mouth/tongue, as I've always been convinced I have oral C. Now I've moved onto a new panic. It's going to sound really minging, but I need to vent it out somewhere! Ok. Sometimes I get an ingrown hair on my breasts. They come occasionally, and are like a small red bump. It's never bothered me before. Never. But now I've decided this one I have may be something sinister. It's a small red bump, feels a bit hard, and it's just on the edge of the nipple (really cringed writing this). There's a visible hair follicle - but can't actually see the hair yet. So I'm freaking out it's some sort of breast issue that could be bad. Sorry for no paragraphs, writing from my phone. Does anyone else get this? Should I see the doctor? I don't know why I'm so panicked, I've had them before, I even had a bad one once that left a little mark. I think I'm panicked because of where it is. Does anyone have any advice please x

23-10-13, 10:01
Anyone? x

23-10-13, 10:08
I think you've answered this for yourself LF87, you said you've had them before and they just go away in their own time. You also said that you've decided for yourself that it's sinister - take a look at the thoughts that you're choosing to have about this, there's no need for panic.

Breast cancer doesn't develop overnight like this, tell yourself that and stick to it. If I were you I'd give it some time and just keep an eye on it before going to the doctor.

23-10-13, 10:56
Thanks Honey. I know, I keep just jumping to the worst case scenario.Hate it! As soon as I stop worrying about one thing, I start on another. I will try to leave it alone for a few days, hoping it'll go away on its own x

23-10-13, 11:06
It sounds like from past experience that this is will just go away on it's own.

Your worries jump from one fear to the next because your health is not the root of your fear, but it's deeper than that and bubbles up in the form of HA. Have you ever gotten any help with your anxiety? Or tried any self help measures? Do you know what triggered it for you?

23-10-13, 12:45
I used to see a psychologist when I was about 18 ,as I had a phobia of being sick, or being sick in public places. Which in turn made me agoraphobic, which lead to panic attacks. I had CBT for those problems and knocked it on the head. I've always suffered with anxiety, but not HA. My mum had a brain aneurysm last November, and it was soon after that I became obsessional over my health. I've been to my doctor numerous times over the course of the year worrying about oral C. Now I have this pimple thing I'm scared it could be breast. I'm on a waiting list to see a psychologist again. But I'm in real panic now. I keep looking at it, prodding it. I feel the need to make a doctor's appointment. X

23-10-13, 12:52
Wow that must have been scary when your mum got sick! I know I worry a lot about my own parents when they are sick even with a cold. With the stress of that it's no wonder that you find yourself anxiously looking out for your own health.

I hope you can manage to see a psychologist again soon. In the mean time have you looked at any measures you can put into place yourself, to help with the anxiety? Can you use any of your old CBT techniques to help yourself now? What would your old CBT therapist have said to you about the spot?

23-10-13, 13:00
I'm just trying to think of the lists of things that I've panicked over and they've eventually gone away. But I'm still worried! I daren't Google breast C, because I just know it'll be a symptom. So you think I should hold off making an appt? X

23-10-13, 13:07
I can't answer that for you, only you can.

But I do suggest that you return to some of your old CBT techniques and some self help measures for anxiety while you're waiting for your psychologist appointment.

23-10-13, 13:30
Ok, thanks so much for your replies! :)