View Full Version : Need Help

22-10-13, 23:12
Hi there to everyone. I'm Tanner and I've suffered from anxiety and panic attacks for 25 years. Twenty five years and I still can't get it through my head that all of these physical symptoms are anxiety. In the midst of a panic attack, I'm always certain that I'm dying. Atrial Fibrilation, Heart Attacks, TIA's. I've thought I've had them all. Sometimes I think the Internet was invented to fuel my obsessive thoughts so that I can come up with more medical conditions.

Up until a year ago, I had the panic attacks fairly well under control. Now they're back again with a vengeance. I started back on citalopram two days ago. I had put off taking it because of the side effects and my fear of the medication.

Citalopram day 2 and I feel like I was run over by a truck. Dry mouth, nausea, anxious and restless, body aches and I feel like my insides are shaking. I'm scared and I feel like I have no one to talk to that understands. My partner is a nurse and says that no one has these kind of side effects from citalopram and it's all in my head. She is impatient with me and doesn't want to hear it because I put off taking the medication.

Cognitive behavioral therapy used to work for me but my mind keeps going in circles. Any advice would be appreciated.

22-10-13, 23:29
I have issues with taking meds too - wife is the same as your partner.

I found that citalopram effects settles in a week

23-10-13, 23:09
My initial side effects were extreme levels of blinking !

23-10-13, 23:47
Thanks Owen. I really appreciate the support.