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View Full Version : Withdrawal from Citalopram

01-11-06, 11:49
Feeling rather shakey today as I'm in the process of withdrawing from Citalopram after yet another year of taking it. I've been on and off ADs for 8 years now and have put on 3 stone in weight since first starting.
I could just do with some lift from you guys to keep my chin up. I know what I need to do and I understand my feelings and physical effects but still it's hard when your husband doesn't really know what to do and I feel guilty for him having to put up with me hiding away. Anyway nice to know you're all here.

01-11-06, 14:38
Hi there - I was only citalopram for a short time but felt awful coming off it. I also took seroxat years ago which was the same. If you can perseve with the symptoms every day it will get better. It took a good few days to get over the worst of the symptoms and then almost another week to feel better. If you can get through it you will notice a difference. Try and find other things to help - relaxation tapes, your fav music, good movies, good books anything to distract you from the nasty feelings. Hang in there you can do it!


01-11-06, 15:05
Hi, I came off citalopram,but Im back on again now.I felt awful when I was coming of them,lots of withdrawrel symptoms.
((((((((((((((((((BIG HUG)))))))))))))))))))) for you,stay strong.;)Come off them very slowly.

Ellen XX

01-11-06, 17:32
Hi Weaner,

It is better to withdraw slowly from the meds, may be months or a year, i found in the past if i came off Citalopram too quicky my symptoms came back.



01-11-06, 19:38
You need to come off very very slowly or you will feel worse.

Hope you feel better soon

People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel


01-11-06, 23:40
Hope you feel better soon

Hugs to you


02-11-06, 11:13
Hi Weaner

Im also coming off citalopram. Its been 3 weeks since iv reduced my dose.

I tried last year but came off to quick and ended up back on them.

Im taking it slow and although some of the withdrawal symptoms are really unpleasant, im hoping they pass real soon.

please pm me if u need any extra support, we can help each other

love mandie x

03-11-06, 17:07
Thanks everyone - having a bad day today. A misunderstanding with a job is leading to a he said she said situation and I feel I've let everyone down by not making myself very clear. I'm not great at pointing the finger, but I've really let my boss down - he's such a nice guy and he sounded really unhappy with me earlier. Needless to say I've been in tears here. I'm only freelance so he can get rid anytime he wants - my work is the think that gives me all my panic attack or the worry I will lose it. I feel really low as I'm stuck in France with no friends and only my husband and 3 year old who I don't want to burden any more. Sorry to be so useless on a Friday night.

03-11-06, 17:16
Slowly reduce the dose.
Whatever you do>dont stop suddenly.
I came off seroxat after 6 years.
Took me 6 months and in the past I tried and failed many times to get off.
I was hooked and needed my fix.
Good luck and for what its worth,I feel useless too.[:X]

Love xFlyx

05-11-06, 20:11
I had to come off Citalopram very slowly, I just stopped and went cold turkey and I DONT recommend it, I had terrible head zaps etc. Even though I reduced my dose very gradually I still had the symptoms albeit much reduced. You must reduce the dose very slowly.

What's for you won't go by you