View Full Version : Feeling like I need/have to take a deep breath

22-10-13, 23:48

I've not been on here for ages because up until the last couple of weeks I have been fine. Recently though I have started to feel anxious again, but for no apparent reason. I have searched my mind trying to find out why I feel like this again but just don't know. I have now got into this situation where as soon as I wake up I feel nervous and shaky, and more irritating is the feeling that I must take a deep breath, but sometimes I just can't. When I'm busy I realise that I don't do it, then I think about it and it starts again! Constant, almost like a habit or OCD and I just don't know how to stop. Does this sound silly? I'm sorry if it does but if anyone can give me some advice or tips, that would be great. I feel like I'm going mad.

Anniejay xxj

25-10-13, 03:27
When we are anxious we often feel like we cannot get a full breath. Our bodies tighten and we begin to take shallow breaths. I would recommend practicing diaphragm breathing. Its hard to do at first when you have anxiety, but with practice it will begin to come naturally...enough so that your body will eventually become a habit. Anxiety isn't fun, but it can't hurt you. With the right breathing, you can carry on until the anxiety has passed.

25-10-13, 09:46
Yup, I've had this on and off for several years.

One thing I discovered is that when I'm stressed I tend to get reflux, which for some reason leads to mucus (nice, I know) forming in my airways. I spoke to the doctor about it and he said that it's common for reflux sufferers to experience breathing discomfort, but even without the reflux my breathing issues are fairly common amongst anxiety suffers. The main thing is that I don't feel out of breath, which I generally don't unless I exert myself.

Oddly, I find that a little bit of light exercise helps me take the deep breath that I sometimes crave, and if I take 5-10 minutes to meditate I often find my breathing gets easier too.

Like you've mentioned, try not to focus on it too much. I know for me it gets worse when I try and force the full breath, which inevitably leads to much yawning!