View Full Version : Proud of myself today

23-10-13, 00:07
im proud of myself today as was able to do aload of house work that needed doing and usually i would sit dwelling and worrying it would make me feel worse. Also felt happier as playing with my daughter cheered me up abit too! I still had my panicky moments but im sure i will have them for a while! I've read that if u don't react to symptoms and just ignore them eventually it will go away but apparently takes time! I sometimes can ignore it and other times cant but im not gunna stress anymore.

23-10-13, 20:13
Well done Nat

You ever so right if we sit and dwell on things they tend to seem far worse and we then get into a cycle of anxiety - panic then we comedown and start the cycle again.

So again well done for breaking it and keep it up...

23-10-13, 20:54
Well done Natalie. keeping busy is something I do to keep the anxiety away :)

23-10-13, 21:13
thanks for the replies guys means alot :) im just gunna have to work on the negative thoughts now as sometimes i can ignore them but other times they can get abit too much!

23-10-13, 21:15
That's a real achievement, I am very impressed, natalie. Housework's usually at the bottom of my list so I think u did really well.

23-10-13, 21:48
Well done ! For me yesterday was rubbish too but today ive had a much more productive day ;-)

24-10-13, 14:26
thankyou guys :)

25-10-13, 06:05
Well done friend.....

25-10-13, 06:43
Well done Natalie. xx