View Full Version : NIGHTMARE

23-10-13, 00:55
Recently I left a job because it was sending my anxiety through the roof. Initially I felt relief but then feelings of guilt started. I feel disappointed in myself Im never going to be able to hold anything down. I can't tell anyone how I'm feeling because I feel ashamed....the thing is I keep having this nightmare where I see a plane crash into a building. People are hurt and im trying to help them but its hopeless. I've been waking up every night covered in sweat. I can't get any peace when im awake and now I can't even get a good nights sleep.

23-10-13, 09:32
It sounds like the dream is related to how you think and feel about the situation. Who exactly are you ashamed of telling about your anxiety?

For the time being why not see if there is an easy part time job you could do, at least you've still got your foot in the door in employment but enough time to yourself.

23-10-13, 11:40

Nightmares are only a proof of ur over anxious state, I've been having nightmares each time I passed through a very anxious period, what I suggest to you is to think of the root of the problem, and tell someone about it, once you find the root you will be in peace with yourself..
Best wishes

23-10-13, 12:19
The people in my life my family, friends and partner find it difficult to understand my anxiety when I tell them how I feel they just get frustrated with me. I was thinking that the nightmare and anxiety where connected. I just need to get out of this rut but right now I have zero confidence and my hope is dwindling