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01-11-06, 12:05
Hi there..........
I'm not sure where this will go but I feel the need to let stuff out!! And I've filed it under GA although panic might also be appropriate.

I'm been sat here looking at stuff for an interview i have tomorrow and really getting the collywobbles. That is partly due to the fact that a) I'm not sure if the job is right for me at the moment, b) I'm not sure I can do it, c) I have an ear infection which is really bringing me down and d) my mother is staying with us and really doing my head in....or of course f) all of that!!!

I still havent phoned to say I will be attending teh interview tomorrow which I feel is an indicator as to how i feel. The job is a mentors post within the Looked After Childrens service. Previously I have worked in positions where I could quite possibly have run this service, but following an ill health retirement from teaching I am currently not working.

Part of the job will put me back into a school setting working with kids with challenging behaviours and staff who possibly don't really want anything to do with them. I really don't think I'm strong enough to do this at this stage...or if I have the energy to do it anyway!! (I think this should be in Panic!!)

I've been to the docs about my ear, along with the rest of my head, and I'm on anti biotic drops which seem to be doing little. The side of my head feels numb, yet internally is throbbing. I've taken loads of painkillers and at times they seem to dull the pain but I'm trying to deal with that through some level of relaxation at present........

Which brings me on to my mother and I don't know where to start on that one!! I think the root cause of my problems lies way back in childhood but I'm not entirely sure what it is. I definately don't think I was physically or sexually abused, but there is for sure something about my upbringing that is controlling how I am at present. How I best get a handle on that I don't know.

All the time I/we get questions from her about everything. Questions about stuff she generally knows, questions about the finest detail of simple tasks, questions about everything. This is compounded by the fact that when I am in her company I withdraw into myself in a big way. She recognises this. For example , and I know in isolation this may sound strange, She has taken herself off into town while I "get on with chores". I had multiple questions about whether or not there was anything to bring back. Because of previous experience I said initially no. She was aware we were short of tea bags and bread...OK tea bags and bread says I. What sort of tea bags/bread...how many, where will i get them..etc etc Whilst I am writing this I have had two phone calls about the f****n' bread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And she is bringing in sausage rolls for lunch although we have already discussed the fact that we have stuff for sandwiches (except bread!!) in the house.

I think a lot of it is done to the fact that she herself is selfish and whilst giving the impression that you can do as you please...it is only if it pleases her..........so I'd rather do nothing!!

Sorry about that and thanks for reading it. In time once I have worked out where I will unload a bit more and hopefully find a way of understanding where things are at.


Laisez les bon temp roulez

01-11-06, 12:41
Hi Iain

We spoke in chat room the other day. Your post has really made me laugh. Your mother sounds just like mine - when she visits there are endless sodding questions about the most ridiculous of things. And you know the more I think about it the more I am convinced that your upbringing plays a huge part in determining whether you can avoid things like anxiety.

I never ever considered myself an anxious person but thinking back I was. My father was alcoholic and with that came all the tension and arguments in the house - we moved all over the world at the drop of a had - always to something that was going to be better for us. But actually we moved because he had probably got himself into so much debt through drink that we had to. I'm 42 and had a count up the other day - I have lived in 20 different houses!! I also had a time when I lived in an auntie's larder for 9 months - I don't even know where my parents were at this time - I was 13.

My husband on the other hand has had a text book childhood - loving mum and dad, always had tea together, lived in the same town all his life (with a break of 8 years in army) - lots of friends and support all around him. He has such a good outlook on life - so confident and secure.

Do you know I only have 2 really good friends - all the others have been lost in all the moves I have made.

I do think you are strong enough for this job - you seem very well balanced and a good sense of humour. Great when working with kids. I hope you go for it - it will be great for your self esteem and take your mind off the anxiety if you are kept busy. Two things are for sure though. Your ear infection will go and so will your mum, so you are only left with two niggling doubts about the job.

Good luck Iain - my advice would be to take the interview - you may feel better about the job once you have learnt a bit more, you may not. Nothing ventured nothing gained though eh?

Janie xx

01-11-06, 12:45




02-11-06, 16:07
Well...an update.

Mother gone this morning...almost missed the train...I would have ran after it!!

Went for the interview...did really well......but didn't get the job!!

Ear still aches but no tablets today...giving my liver a break!!


Laisez les bon temp roulez

03-11-06, 00:41
You are hella funny. i was lmao when i read the part about the "f------" bread. Hilarious. Mothers, who needs them. Hope things are going better now. i can't wait for my co-workers to leave so i can check out the chat room. i am at work and have had an edgy lazy completely useless day. someone on here directed us to the webcam in africa....i have gone back to both of the sites for a long time and other than some lightening and some wierd thing flying around, i have seen just a water hole. and what the heck is that snake looking thing that keeps flying all over??? anyway. hope to see you in the chatter.
