View Full Version : Gagging and Nausea

23-10-13, 11:02
So I have had this on and off for the past year but it's really hit me hard this week and it's getting me down.

I get a sort of gagging feeling in my throat, the sort you get when you are about to be sick. If I over obsess or lose control of my thoughts then I feel physically like I am going to throw up. I haven't so far.

This bit is new to me right now; I can't eat with this. The gagging and nausea are worse when I am hungry but when I sit down to eat I feel repulsed by the feel of food in my mouth and have an urge to throw up. I was quite upset yesterday as I went out to dinner with my OH, we sat down, ordered our food and then it hit me. I probably ate about 10 bites if that and it totally ruining the evening. I just couldn't put the food in my mouth. Luckily OH was very understanding :wub: -Came home, when to the loo, felt better and managed to eat the side dish we doggy bagged.

I don't have an anxiety over eating because normally I eat loads and I love my food!

Burping relieves it for a few seconds and sucking on a sweet helps. I am getting through the day nibbling on crackers in the brief moments where the gagging subsides.

P.s I have been tested for thyroid problems, I don't feel like I have heartburn but eating tums helps a little although it may be the same as sucking on a sweet.

Would love to hear anyone elses experience with this so I know I'm not alone.