View Full Version : side effects whilst on anti Ds

23-10-13, 11:40
Hi all,

I have been on Venlafaxine/Effexor for around 18 months. I was initially put up to a dose of 250mg but am now down to 112.5mg and have been on this dose since early 2013.

I occasionally get spells of dizziness/head zappyness that is rather unpleasant and sometimes an upset stomach and I am getting a bit worried about it.

I wanted to ask fellow anti-D users, and particularly those on Venlafaxine/Effexor, whether it is normal to have occasional symptoms such as these when on such medication, and not just necessarily at the start of treatment? I.e. is it the "necessary evil" of anti-Ds?

I'd appreciate feedback


23-10-13, 12:31
Hi Paul,

I am on Venlafaxine 15 months now steady at 112.5mg a day. This has helped my anxiety very much but I do sometimes have the dizzy spells and some derealisation...I figure this is fairly normal and I have learned not to worry about it now. The DP can also cause symptoms like this, that is my minds way of 'protecting' me from external stimulus that may cause me anxiety, it can feel a bit freaky lol.

As far as the stomach upsets go, I don't really have this too much but I do suffer with constipation since being on ven which can make my tummy feel a little bloated and uncomfortable at times.

Personally, I would say what you are experiencing is probably fairly common and so long as the medication is doing it's thing, just try not to worry about it. Maybe you could mention it to your GP next time you go just to put your mind at rest.

All the best, Kitti :)