View Full Version : I have the nicest dr ever

01-11-06, 13:00
I went to see him today to get my blood results, iron still low so im popping pills for another few months[Ugh]

While there we were just chatting and he asked if I was ok, he said he could sense there was something wrong and like an idiot I started shaking and burst into tears. I have never cried infront of him and so I felt rather stupid.

He sat back in his chair and told me to tell him everything. I was in there for 20 minutes. I told him about what I had done and he was just lovely, even told me a few things to make me feel better about myself, he said most of us have been where I am in our marriage. He said I shouldn't beat myself up and he said if sex did happen then im not a slapper or a hussie, whatever I think of myself its just not true. We chatted for a long time and did his upmost to make me feel better, aparently im to move on and put this behind me, not tell my husband and work on my marriage.

In 3 weeks he wants to see me again and he will run a HIV test plus a few other things to put my mind at ease but he said the chance is very slim as if I did sleep with this man its 1 incident and that lowers the risk aparently. I am very scared but in 3 weeks time I can hopefully relax and put this behind me totally.

As I was leaving he called my name and said 'julie thank you for telling me, im glad you feel you can come to me' I then thanked him for listening. What a lovely lovely man, is wife is a very lucky lady:)

Today I feel very tired, sort of weak/tired muscles in my thighs which feel quite heavy and shaky when I walk?????? and my head feels light and dizzy. Can stress be causing all of this????? me being an idiot I read about HIV and read that between 2-6 weeks after being infected a person can feel unwell so im freting.

Thanks for your kind words the other day, I really do not deserve them:(

01-11-06, 13:17
Hi Jem,

Glad your doctor let you let off steam hun. Everybody deserves kind words thats what we are here for. I think the stress is giving you those symptoms but at least in 3 weeks you will be able to relax and move on. Chin up xx

Take Care


01-11-06, 13:28

So glad you told your doctor, Don't beat yourself up Jem we are only human and things happen.

The legs and lightheartedness are typical stress symptoms You will be fine as Mandy said keep that chin up girl.xxx


Mel xxx


02-11-06, 07:14
Your Dr sounds great.
Mine is a sufferer like us and so understanding it's unbelievable. Some would shy away from her because of her anxiety but I find her great

Don't believe everything you think.

02-11-06, 09:50
I think that's great that you have such a supportive doctor. Hopefully by telling him everything and getting these tests done, it will be one less thing for you to worry about.

The way you are feeling now, the shaky legs, fatigue and dizziness, I seem to get quite a lot and often its the day(s) after I have been really stressed. I think it's kind of nervous exhaustion.

I'm learning it's really important to talk to anyone who will listen about how I'm feeling, it helps to offload, especially if there is someone who can actually help rather than listen.

You're doing really well. Hopefully in a month's time you will be feeling great and look back on this and think, what was I worrying about???

Take care xxx

02-11-06, 12:48
Hi Jem,

I am sooo happy to hear you have an understanding and helpful doctor, thats great.:D

The way you are feeling now is normal Jem, you have put yourself under alot of stress over this problem, remember are bodys react to stress.

I myself have not had a pa or high anxiety in a long time and thats because of this great site [^][^]:D yet, I have had major problems with my ralationship this year, lots of emotions going on inside me and I still have things to sort out in my head. I did however have some anxiety symptoms throughout this problem. My hubby hurt me sooo much. I have feelings and they were hurt soooo bad, I cannot expect to feel nothing, if I felt nothing, then, that would mean I did not care.

Jem, what I would say to you now is, whatever you did, or think you did, Please, please, forgive yourself, it is sooooo important to forgive yourself. We are only human and we all will make small mistakes from time to time.

Your GP is right, put your energies into working on your marriage, put all this behind you and move on. Its NOT going to be easy, as I have found out, but I know with time, time is a great healer Jem, as time passes, your feeling towards this will get less and less.

**Thanks for your kind words the other day, I really do not deserve them** Hay, I read the other thread, YOU DO deserve them Jem, don't be to hard on yourself.

Please don't do anymore google searching, its not worth it.



02-11-06, 20:10
Your doctor ssounds great! how understanding and reassuring. I hope you listen to what he said and stop beating yourself up!
