View Full Version : Armpits sore 2 weeks

23-10-13, 11:55
Im petrified yet again that I have something nasty going on. For the past 2 weeks ive had sore armpits, left more than the right. If I have a good feel around I can feel some tiny tender bumps or lumps. I ache in shoulders and arms and various other places. Dont feel like I have a cold or sore throat. Im just so scared that this can last for 2 weeks and when I read glands go down after a couple of days. I have such a fear of Drs cos I am scared he will point to sonething sinister. Can sore armpits last this length of time without it being something nasty and life threatening ?

23-10-13, 12:28
If you've been pressing into your armpits and searching around for lumps then they're definitely going to be tender and sore, they're very tender areas!

Muscle aches and pains can all be part of anxiety, have you spoken to your doctor about it?

23-10-13, 12:35
No I havent seen a Dr. I have panic attacks just thinking about sitting in a surgery. I guess I will need to face up to my fears and see him but I am so worried about what he will say or the look on his face. Thank you for replying.

23-10-13, 12:44
Sore armpits can be hormone-related, weirdly - I used to get sore armpits occasionally in the week or so before my period.

Your glands being up for a while isn't necessarily sinister, either - you might just be fighting off an infection that hasn't shown itself to have other obvious symptoms. Plus there are all sorts of lumps and bumps in that area - it's not completely smooth - so you might just be feeling normal fleshy stuff. If you're really worried you may as well go to the doctor, but I suspect a doc would say it sounds like a mild virus and the tenderness being exacerbated by you prodding at them...

23-10-13, 12:47
I do that myself Dex, feel something odd in my body and the next thing I know I'm imagining having to go to the hospital for something serious, it's frustrating! But the thing is, you're worrying about something that hasn't happened, and in all likihood won't, try to hold on to that and remember that you're in control of your own thoughts.

Might be worth having a chat with your doc about your anxiety problems. Don't worry about what he will say, it's his job to take care of you and he's being paid to do that. You'll find that most doctors are compassionate people, and will have seen many people with anxiety problems before. He won't be judging you, he's there to help you :)

Have you had any help at all with your anxiety? Or have you looked into what triggered it for you?

23-10-13, 12:53
The lymph nodes are your body's sewer system and our bodies excrete a lot of sewage! It's totally normal for a lymph node or two (or more) to get swollen when getting rid of sewage. Sewage can be many things including a virus or bacterial infection.

They're sensitive too. Poking and prodding them continuously can cause them to remain swollen and this is most likely the cause of the extended time they've been swollen.

That being said, the rule of thumb is to see your doctor if you have swollen lymph nodes for more than two weeks. An antibiotic may be in order.

Good Luck!

23-10-13, 18:11
Thank you for your kind words of reassurance, I do appreciate it. My Dr has very little time for me and I always feel belittled by his bed side manner with me. I dont think he actually understands that I hate being this way and if there was a magic wand I would have waved it years ago. I panic when I feel something that I think isnt normal, a feeling inside or a bump and lump. I pray endlessly that this is nothing serious. I wish that Dr Google gave results that didnt always make me feel worse than I do. Its always bad stuff.