View Full Version : Everything gone but this !

23-10-13, 12:14
Sooo I had millions of horrible scary neuro symptoms but now I'm left with 2 horrible things:

1 - black eye floaters
2 - dizzy fuzzy headache feeling

Doc continually insists on anxiety and harping back to my clear MRI in April but I'm so tired of feeling ill :(

Is there anything I can do ?
Do you think it's something serious?

I've just starts a new diet where I'm eating a ton of veg and fruit and exercising a lot in effort to make me feel better but so far this feeling isn't shifting
It's funny how in my flat in the evening I pretty much feel normal but al work I'm at my worst and out In day :(

Any suggestions would be much welcome xx

23-10-13, 12:40
Hi gee :) If you've just started with a new lifestyle and diet then give it some time to work, these things don't change straight away. If you think about how long you've been suffering, it will probably take you some time to unwind all of that and recover, so be patient and loving with yourself and take your time. Think about how far you've come already, be proud of yourself for the changes you've made!

Try not to focus on those remaining symptoms, although they do sound like they're very annoying! Your doctor has told you not to worry about them, so trust him. Use a technique from Claire Weekes and just try to accept them, instead of getting scared or fighting them. If you notice them just accept it, tell yourself that they're annoying but harmless and then continue on with what you're doing. Distract yourself from them.

The good diet & exercise will do you the world of good, that's awesome work! If you can throw in a 5/10 minute relaxation or breathing exercise into your day too, maybe just before breakfast - this will really help you along the way too :) The dizzy fizzy headache may be from muscle tension in your body, so the relaxation part of this will really help that. There are loads of guided meditations on YouTube for free, or even videos for progressive muscle relaxation that will help you relax your whole body, maybe give them a try?

23-10-13, 12:52
Thank for your reply and suggestions!!!

The opticians says floaters are normal and not related to MS - my main fear and my dizzy fuzzy head the doc says is anxiety - I think maybe it could be related to the floaters hence why at night or in the flat I don't hve any problems because it's dark an my floaters aren't there.

I hate the coincidence that the floaters appeared after all the neuro symptom and struggle to believe it is a coincidence - even though the optician and doc say ms isn't related to floaters, google says different and I know google doesn't know the body like they do but I guess I'm thinking if it auto comes up on there someone has typed it in before and thought it's linked.

When I have no symptoms I'm pretty relaxed when they start I panic!

I have a few other niggly things like neck ache now and then or a bit of burning soon but I think the burning is anxiety because I find if I distract myself that instantly goes

I'm just worried what if and ms really is my worst fear in the world - can't be cured and slowly gets worse, I know some people live for ages blah blah but it's a horrible end that I've seen happen and I never want that :(

23-10-13, 13:09
Gee the most important factor here is that you've had a clear MRI, that rules out the MS for you and you should trust that.

It sounds like you must have had a relative or friend who passed away from MS?

23-10-13, 13:19
Yes two distant relatives have had it one died a few years ago - pretty young and couldn't do anything but blink by this time and the other Is a girl only a few years older than me :(

23-10-13, 13:26
That must have been pretty scary for you to go through, watching their lives end that way. MS is a difficult disease. It sounds like what happened to them really had an impact on you, have you ever gotten any help for that?

23-10-13, 13:30
You've been given the all clear by medical professionals....several times actually. You're taking positive steps to change your lifestyle.

Our bodies will have all sorts of "niggles" as you call them. At 54 years old, having had two heart attacks, many surgeries and cancer, I could make a list of niggles that would make everyone here shudder in fear! ~lol~ But I'm still kickin' and take ibuprofen for the painful niggles... the rest I ignore because they're not serious and there's nothing I can do about them anyway ;)

23-10-13, 13:31
I have set up CBT that I'm going to have and I'm hoping it will help but I always have the niggling thoughts of why I suddenly got these sensations when I was fine before!!!
Why did they come out the blue, why are the floaters appearing that's one symptom that can't be anxiety!

23-10-13, 13:38
This website, Calm Clinic, does a good job of explaining how anxiety can affect your eyes, including the floaters:


The CBT is a brilliant plan, it sounds like you're really pulling out all the stop to help yourself, you'll be glad you did all this work, believe me :)

23-10-13, 16:02
Thanks for that!! V helpful only think worrying me is it says the eye symptoms only last an hour or so the floaters have been there for months now ����

23-10-13, 16:37
Hi ya I get these floaters/dashing sensation in my vision which has been checked by an optician who was not to concerned.

The dull fuzzy headache I get constantly combined with a sense of building pressure (that after 20 years has yet to spontaneously explode). I can usually cope with this but on occasions I zoom in on it and jump on panics' wheel! I do recover quite quickly!

My advice is try to go with it and if your feel numb just gently tap your forehead to remind your self your head is still there!!!!!