View Full Version : Citalopram day 3

23-10-13, 12:27
Hi there. Day three on citalopram and I feel like there is a new side effect every day. Nausea and not sleeping well. Then achy arms. This morning my chest hurts. Is all of this normal. I've taken citalopram before but don't remember all of this. I feel like I'm nervous and on the verge of another panic attack.
I'm really hoping to connect to some people here who get it. I could really use some help and support.

23-10-13, 14:24
This is all normal side effects when taking Citalopram. Everyday felt bad for me and it always seemed like something was wrong with me when I took them. I got nauseous, fatigued, head pounding, tense muscles, feelings of dread, chest pain, anything you can name, I probably got it.

Unlucky for me Citalopram was what caused me to have health anxiety in the first place. I went to the doctors with social anxiety and was put onto Citalopram. After my first side effect (cold flush which I have never experienced before) from the drug gave me a panic attack, I'd become a hypochondriac.

Hopefully it'll be much easier for you.
Just relax and take every day as it comes. Just remember nothing from the drug will hurt you, its just your brain getting use to the effects of the drug.

Good luck :)

23-10-13, 14:26

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your problem.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

23-10-13, 14:57
Thanks for the advice. I really do appreciate it.

23-10-13, 16:55
i've been here too... but im still constantly seeking reassurance everythign is "ok"!! :)

i'm on week 5 now, last week my does went up from 20mg to 30mg so the side effects are hitting hard again... i've felt dazed, confused, tired, wired, sleeping problems, hot flushes, cold sweats (especially at night time), lots of mind chatter, ears ringing or humming, i hear things like voices and noises, my mental state is up nd down like goodness knows what, and the list just goes on!

hang on in there... keep going! :) xx

23-10-13, 17:53
Hi tanner. As ice queen said ....keep going. U r not alone. I'm on day 17 of 40mg and feel quite frankly....bluerghhhhh.

It does get better. I remember my first time round and I did get there. We have to be patient and strong xxx

Good luck x

23-10-13, 18:31
Thanks Brittab and Ice Queen. I'm doing my best to hang in there. I consciously know these are symptoms of the drug, but have to constantly battle my mind. My brain feels like it's working at half power and everything takes longer to process. I'll get through the day, and then, think about tomorrow.

23-10-13, 19:06
Hi Tanner
I am also on week 5 with Citalopram 40mg and at first I had really bad effects from it. Although I still don't feel great I am getting there and the support from people on here so hang on in there it does get better

23-10-13, 19:20
It's so hard , I know, to think positive when ure brain and your body feel so rubbish. I can't go to work atm and I'm waiting for THE day when I wake feeling normal ( whatever that is) ......keep popping in here, I do...it helps xxxx

---------- Post added at 19:20 ---------- Previous post was at 19:19 ----------

Ray...how long before u felt ok.... Out of interest.

24-10-13, 10:45
Hi Britabb

It was about my fourth week my partner took me away for a break ( although I really didn't want to go any where ) it did help and she needed a break too, I still have some side effects and anxiety problems but dr has told me it will take a while. I feel a little better though