View Full Version : Sharp pain behind right eye

Wombat Overlord
23-10-13, 14:21
Hi guys,

I'm sure this isn't anything serious but I have been having these sharp pains behind my right eye coupled with a dull and general sense of headache that usually occur when I cough or sneeze but persist in a less noticeable fashion at all times. Maybe I just have dry corneas or a sinus problem, but as I am a hopeless hypochondriac I felt obliged to post it here and ask for any feedback.

Thanks for your time,
Alecks Ellis

23-10-13, 14:45
I saw an eye specialist for that, and he said it WAS dry eyes, and advised me to use medium strength lubricating drops on a daily basis (I left them off after a while). Your pharmacy will advise.

It has stopped the problem for me.

Wombat Overlord
23-10-13, 14:54
Thank you, I figured as much but the second I start to feel some new symptom I immediately freak out and try to self-diagnose it as something horrible. I'm gonna buy some eye drops as soon as the stores around my town open up. It also really hurts when I press slightly on them but I'd assume that's related to the same thing. The main reason it worried me is because it's only in my right eye.

23-10-13, 15:37
So hard to tell without knowing what sort of pain and where - and we're not doctors anyway - but I do get pain that feels like it's behind my eyes when my sinuses are playing up, and that's definitely not necessarily both sides. It is worse if you lean your head down/forwards (like putting your head between your legs for instance)?

Wombat Overlord
23-10-13, 15:53
yeah bending over like that does seem to intensify it a fair amount. It really only hurts though when I cough. I'm just worried because my family has a history of glaucoma but I don't think something like that would develop so quickly; also I should add that I have been unable to sleep well over the past week which may have perpetuated the drying of my eyes.

23-10-13, 17:31
I'm having something similar and really worried about BT :( For me it's pain behind right eye and on the right side of my head. Today in the morning I had a pretty bad headache that only got better after two ibuprofen....

Wombat Overlord
23-10-13, 17:36
What is BT short for? And yeah, that's what I'm experiencing; kind of a dull headache all over my head with the sharp pains only localized behind the right eye

23-10-13, 17:37
BT is that scary Brain Tumor :(

Wombat Overlord
23-10-13, 17:57
Yeah I just don't think something like that can develop that quickly, and most of the time brain tumor symptoms don't start as headaches

23-10-13, 18:21
Yes I know...as I wrote in another thread I have about two years with different symptoms that can be attributed to BT :(

The only "positive" is that if it's BT it must be a very slow growing one, with better chance for recovery...

Wombat Overlord
23-10-13, 18:46
Yeah matrix, I look up the symptoms for BT and I practically fit all of them: constant dullness in head, "I don't care" attitude, loss of movement in the extremities from time to time, trouble concentrating and loss of memory, vivid dreams, etc. I've just come to hope that they are the result of both my anxiety and current benzo withdrawals, because those symptoms can be attributed to both of those conditions as well. I really want to get an MRI to take all the worry away but alas I live in the US and have no health care and simply cannot afford the thousands of dollars out of pocket. Although if these new headache symptoms persist for more than the next couple weeks I am certainly going to have the MRI performed, no matter how much more in debt it puts me in. If you have had all these symptoms for several years I would recommend the same, because no matter the cost your health is not worth neglecting. I just need to rule out my anxiety or withdrawals being the sole cause of these problems before I decide to proceed down that expensive path.

23-10-13, 18:50
I was on both benzo and ssri withdrawal. I stopped very slowly Xanax about 5-6 weeks ago and Escitalopram 3-4 weeks ago. I started them back 3 days ago because I wasn't feeling well.

Here I can get a MRI if I want, but I'm so scared to do it...