View Full Version : Panic attacks worse

Jenni 70
01-11-06, 13:35
I started taking Citralopam 3 days ago for anxiety and panic attacks. My PA's are so much worse. I have had so many today. My stomach is so upset with the constant surges of adrenalin I can't eat. Can anyone tell me if this is not uncommon when starting on this drug.

Thanks Jenni

01-11-06, 13:46
Oh jenni ,i am sooo sorry you are havong a bad time ,I canr advise on the meds but i am with you on the panic attacks hun,..Try some breathing techniques..the 7-11 is sposed to help..i manage 5-7 when bad but it does help..also i find counting over and over again gets rid or the panic too.Sometimes it help to know someone is rooting for you and every one on here willbe doing just that,!Hereif you need a natter.love mary rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

Jenni 70
01-11-06, 14:13
Thanks Mary Rose for your advice. I do practice breathing techniques. I am good at adominal breathing, I used to practice Yoga and of course correct breathing exercises was part of the course. Problem is keeping them up for hours on end during the night. I do also use self hypnosis panic attack CD’s which are really helpful, but the panic breaks through despite my efforts. What is worse, I know I am allowing it to happen. I really hate the nights, I can’t wait for them to end.

I will try counting over and over again to distract my mind.

Thanks Jenni

01-11-06, 14:25
Hi Jenni Im on citalopram.I found the side affects really bad,but after two weeks they all settled down.I had no appetite when I started them either.Panic always upsets my stomach.Your not alone pet.

Ellen XX

01-11-06, 17:13
Hi Jenni,

I take Citalopram also, in my experience the first week i started taking them i felt terrible, my anxiety was alot worse, the second week i was alot better not as many side affects, but please perservere as the side affects do eventually go, it takes around 4-6 weeks before you start to feel the benefits.



Jenni 70
01-11-06, 21:48
Hi Ellen and Andrea,

It has been really reassuring for me to learn that you both went through a bad time when starting to take Citralopam. I am not going mad or going to have a breakdown. Although at present it feels that I am.

Normally when taking medication you expect to start feeling better not worse.

I shall do my best to accept how I feel and look forward to when I can begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I have received so much support from so many members, its wonderful to be able to share my experiences and know I am not alone.

Thanks Jenni

02-11-06, 10:52
Hi Jenni,how areyou today?It seems it is the medication then,crumbs,that must be hard!Welldone you for perservering with them!Ithink i may have bottled it by now!!My dr has never offered them to me .well he doesnt offer anything at all!!Just valium!Many people here are on the same medication sothat must be a great help for you hun.Night timeis a stinker,but soon you willbe ok,that must be a comfort of sorts.Good luck hun,love mary rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

Jenni 70
02-11-06, 11:20
Mary Rose I feel dreadful today. I have just taken half of a diazepam tablet to try and calm down the continuous panic attacks. All the techniques I use for reducing the anxiety are just not working.

Hi Mary Rose,

I really feel dreadful today, worse than ever. I know the doctor told me to only take the diazepam at night, but I have got to have some respite from this hell, so I have just taken half of a diazepam to try and calm down.

I woke up suddenly in the night at around 3.30am with a panic attack. I tried hypnosis but |I couldn't get back off to sleep, everytime I found myself drifting off, another panic attack would well up.

In the end I got and went downstairs and put the TV on. It didn't really help. I know it will pass, but it is a living hell at the moment.

Thanks for your concerns.


02-11-06, 13:21
Ruddy hell Jenni,this sounds awful.You poor thing.I wish there were somthing i could do to ease this for you hun!Do the valium help at all?Half a one is not much is it?What strength are they?So many folk are on the same med as you ,i dont know how you cope with it any of you!!I could not bear for my panics to be made worse.Maybe if you took your diazepam alomg side the other meds till it kicked in properly you would be able to cope better??Askyour dr Jennie,you should not have to suffer this way.Thinkin of you kid,take good care.love mary rose.xxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

02-11-06, 14:50
Hi Jennie

I am another Citalopram taker and when I first started on them I too had horrible side effects. Especially my tummy - urghh. Ellen reassured me that was to be expected. Took about a month to settle down and am pretty ok now.

For the night attacks I go to bed prepared now: Diary to write, radio, book, magazine, crossword, glass of water, hypnosis tape, relaxation music. etc...

02-11-06, 15:34
Hello all,
I am new to this forum but felt that I had to write to say that I have been suffering exactly the way Jennie describes - exactly - even to the point where I wake myself up panicking when I have managed to drop off to sleep! I am on Prozac and have Diazepam for when the panic gets just too much to bear. I have an appointment to see a counsellor on the 15th as I had a MAJOR panic attack whilst waiting in the queue at the docs last Friday and she actually got to see me when it was happening.
samc100 - I too go to bed prepared - I have everything at the side of my bed - diazepam, book, relaxation tape, antacids - I feel that if I have it there ready then I won't be as likely to need it. All phsychological I know but if it helps then hey why not?!
Anyway I just wanted to say Hi really and that you're not alone with this Jennie. Take care chick, Diane xx

Jenni 70
02-11-06, 18:15
Mary Rose

The strength of the diazepam I have been prescribed is 5mg. I think the doctor thought that 5mg would be sufficient. I have only been prescribed it for 2 weeks until the Citalopram kits in.

I cut the tablet in half this morning, so I only took 2.5mg. It has helped a lot, so much so I managed to eat a cheese and tomato sandwich at lunchtime.

But I am not looking forward to going to bed. I should stop thinking this way; I am programming my subconscious mind before I even get to bed. As for going back to the doctors, I will carry on over the weekend and hope things begin to get better.

Hi Samc100, surely that can’t be your name.

Having your stomach in a yucky state all the time doesn’t help matters. I find I am constantly reminded of why it feels this way. Actually all the things you take to bed, I do as well.

I would feel better sometimes if I could put the light on, but if I do it wakes my husband. II tell to go back to sleep, but he says he can’t if he knows I am awake. Luckily for me he is tower of strength and very understanding, but he does keep asking me how I feel, which tends to make matters worse.

Thanks for the support and good luck. Jenni

Hi Diane

We both know, as I am sure other members do, how dreadful the nights can be. It is so much worse now we have the long dark nights; at least in the summer it gets light early. It must have been awful having such a bad panic attack at the docs, particularly with other people there. I guess one way of looking at the experience you were in the right place. I do hope seeing a counsellor helps you.

I have been overwhelmed over all the support I have received. I thank you all. Sharing our experiences makes me feel I am not alone.


03-11-06, 12:38
Hi Jenni, i've been reading the posts and i'm now on my 4th day of Citalopram, i've had to phone in sick for work because my anxiety has got worse and i've hardly slept the past 3 nights. I only work part time so i don't have to go in till wednesday afternoon but if this keeps up i'm going to be off for a week or two.

So please know that you are definetly not alone, i'm going through this again after it happening 5 years ago, that time i was a student so i could take the time out without worrying about keeping my job etc. that really plays on my mind. But even though it's hard. i'm doing my best to stay postitive!

It's tough but not immpossible.... good luck x

----Time exists just on your wrists so don't panic ----

Jenni 70
03-11-06, 17:51

I know now I am not alone, so many members are having a bad time when starting to take medication. Its not as if we don't feel bad enough already, without the tablets making the anxiety and panic attacks worse.

I'm not surprised you had to take time off work. I wouldn't like to have to work feeling like I do. How can we function when we don't have any sleep.

I am now on day 5, and I know I will begin to feel better once the drug starts working. But two weeks at the moment seems like a lifetime.

Being positive is the only way forward. Thank goodness we can offload how we feel.
