View Full Version : Mild night sweats - virus?

23-10-13, 14:41
So having posted on here last week to say 'hey folks, don't worry about your virus-type symptoms, there's definitely something lingering going around', I'm now just having my own little worry. For a couple of weeks now I've been waking up in the night a bit sweaty. Not dripping in sweat, not changing pyjamas or bed sheets sweaty, just wet around the chest area (mainly under my boobs!). I don't think the sweating wakes me up; I think it's just that when something else wakes me up (partner going to the loo or whatever), I notice I'm sweaty. I've been putting it down to this virus thing as I'm also still having the odd sneezing fit, bit of a cough/dodgy feeling in my throat, bit headachey, etc.

Obviously I don't want to google night sweats, but if they're just mild like I'm having do you think there's any cause for concern? One of my first thoughts was maybe thyroid - did have that checked a couple of months ago (doc thought it was worth checking as I was having some digestive issues - completely clear, digestive issues just IBS, basically), but I don't think I'm really having any other symptoms of that. Then wondered if it might be down to the contraceptive pill as I know hormones can cause temperature fluctuations and stuff. Plus, to be honest, it's not been as cold overnight as I'd expect for the time of year here. Am I right in thinking that night sweats involved in anything 'sinister' tend to be the proper drenching, waking up cold kind?

I've made a doctor's appointment next week anyway, though almost certain she'll say it's a virus and there's something going round, just need to give it time and get enough sleep, not worry about it, etc, but just getting a little concerned that I'm not shaking it off...

24-10-13, 14:21
Your hormones can cause night sweats. Also I will have them if I'm having an elevated phase of anxiety. It's no big deal.

24-10-13, 14:30
Cheers, I appreciate the reply! I was leaning towards a combination of hormonal craziness due to only having been on the pill for a few weeks combined with a lingering virus. I think it was a bit less last night as well - probably no coincidence that last night the temperature dropped a bit, as it's actually been warmer than it 'should' be overnight for the time of year in the last couple of weeks.