View Full Version : Feeling a little hopeless at Uni

23-10-13, 16:05
I've been struggling with Anxiety and Depression for a few years, with quite a big breakdown after coming back from uni for the summer last year. I'm back for my second year now, and after 5 weeks in I have noticed I am slipping in my mood again.

I know why I have these spikes of anxiety now, which is helpful in catching it most times before it gets out of control. However, this summer was absolutely awful at home with my family (little sister excluded) so I feel a bit isolated at the moment as I don't want to burden anyone with being miserable when they think I'm ungrateful and selfish as it is. This was supposed to be my escape coming back to uni, but my sister's telling me how bad it is at home again and how angry mum is with me again.

Basically I feel I can't escape home even being at uni, and I haven't told anyone at uni about the situation at home. My head feels like its clouding over again and I'm starting to put up this false front again for the benefit of others despite feeling suicidal 3 times in the last 2 weeks.

I was just wondering who it would be best to open up to about his stuff? Should I risk world war 3 at home or ask for some help from my friends here?

Thanks for any replies, I'd be grateful :)

23-10-13, 17:20
Hi there, what are you studying?

I recently finished a uni course and I struggled at the end of first ear / beginning of second year. I decided to go through the student support that the uni had, and managed to get support for fighting through the depression and organising my workload. One thing I always struggle with when depressed is reading for prolonged periods...so they got me computer software to help with that.

I also know that most uni's offer a free counselling service...an informal chat with someone not involved...you could use that to vent about your home life, and maybe get the courage to open up to friends about it.

I think an important thing I learned is not to suffer in silence...because it will just bubble away until you cannot cope anymore....the worries and issues are a lot better to deal with when you are still in the coping phase.

Hope that helps a little

23-10-13, 18:01
Hi, please go either to the uni's councillor or visit the local GP. But do not leave
Any longer. They are there to help.

23-10-13, 18:45
Your uni should have a counsellor who might be able to help. You should also be able to register with a GP near your uni and see them.

Another thing that might help is applying for Disabled Student Allowance. This is not a cash payment, but can fund support such as a support worker you can see weekly at uni to help you organise your time, and help you liaise with tutors if approaching them is difficult for you.

23-10-13, 19:13
Sorry to hear you're going through a tough time. I'm sure you're not ungrateful or selfish. Perhaps if you send your family some information about anxiety (such as the link on the left hand side of this page) they will be more understanding of how it affects you.

You mentioned about having suicidal feelings in the last couple of weeks. I think you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. If you're on anti d's, you may need them increased or changed. Its best to get this under control as soon as possible. Then when you're feeling more stable, you can ask for counselling from your university's student support service.

Hope you're feeling better soon. :hugs: