View Full Version : Mixed anxiety. Advice on medication please

23-10-13, 17:28
Hi. I'm new here. I've just been diagnosed with mixed anxiety, depression and obsessional thoughts, I've just been given citalapram to start taking. I've suffered with anxiety and depression for many years. It took a long time for me to go get help. I feel somewhat relieved with having a diagnosis. However I could really do with some advice about medications and do they actually work? I've been advised to give these at least 4 weeks until I notice a change. Also can citalapram make u gain weight ? As I really don't want to this to happen. I've read that it actually suppresses appetite. Any one had this ?

Thanks :)

23-10-13, 17:59
Hi, I also have generalised anxiety disorder with OCD traits (in the form of obsessional thoughts) and depressive traits. I used to be on cit and found I started feeling better within about 20 days. It definitely didn't make me gain weight. I had a hard time getting onto cit as my body was sensitive to it but it definitely improved things when I went up to 30mg.

23-10-13, 18:23
Welcome to the forums! I'm sure you'll find plenty of help and support here - I certainly have. :)

I've been on citalopram for several months. I haven't put on any weight since starting it. In fact, for the first few days one of the side effects I had was loss of appetite. My appetite is back to normal now and my weight is stable.

It has worked very well for me and hopefully it will for you too. I felt a lot better after about 4 weeks. I can recommend reading the citalopram survival guide too. I hope you feel better soon. :)

23-10-13, 22:08
Welcome to NMP :)

People react differently to different anti-depressants, for some people they improve their quality of life and it helps them take hold of their anxiety or depression whilst for others it doesn't help. And same with the symptoms, one person may experience some symptoms whereas someone else may experience completely different ones.

I wish you luck and I hope they work well for you, but give them 4-6 weeks, some doctors say up to 8 weeks, for them to start working.