View Full Version : 5 weeks....

23-10-13, 19:55
so I'm 5 weeks in, past week has been 30mg but before that was 20mg...

just a bit of an update / vent...

to be honest I'm feeling utterly rubbish :-(

sleeping is hard, I use a fragrance lamp and sleeping tablets and it takes a good hour or two to nod off, then I wake up after about 3 or 4 hours, then its just broken sleep til my alarm goes off at 6, but I don't want to get up and lay in bed til 7.... I have to leave for work at 730 so then I'm in a rush but no matter how much I tell myself to get up, I just can't.

my days are rough, feeling down and very scared... scares about 'tomorrow' but I try and just tackle day by day, but I cannot shift this constant worry... worry of being alone, worry bout all the what ifs... my head and eyes hurt, I feel sick and actually am sick a lot if i get myself really worked up.

in try the happy "I'm OK" but I struggle with even that, everything annoys me...

I just want r feel better :'(


jenny kilden
23-10-13, 20:55
Hun I feel for you x
I want to feel better too, I think "why has this happend again, will it always happen?, "
I just want to be the carefree happy go lucky person I was before all this crappy anxiety.

That's where citalopram comes in! It worked before it will work again, I just hate this start up process. It's a drag ain't it!?
X I'm on day 2 of 15mg was on 10 for 3+ weeks, x
Let me no how your getting on xx it's nice to chat with people who understand how I feel x

23-10-13, 21:06
thank you, very big thank you :) sometimes its just reassurance that everything IS going to be OK... I just seem to need constant reassurance :-(

I feel 5 weeks is a long time and I just want to feel 'me' again, infact human would be nice! :-)

Its a hell of a journey and I do have fab family and close friends but I Still feel so alone and scared. its taken me 2 years of 'its just a bad day" to actually go and get help, but I fear i just left it too long. I should have got help sooner and it would have got this bad?

hindsight is a wonderful thing though...

tomorrow's a new day... but still even now I'm battling today


23-10-13, 21:44
Massive hugs girls....... Massive hugs xxx

23-10-13, 21:50
People keep telling me that it will get better. I'm only on day 3 of citalopram and feel like I've been run over by a truck. Brain is in a constant fog. But I know it will go away.

Five weeks is a major accomplishment. You should be proud of yourself. Keep going, as it is never too late to feel better.

jenny kilden
23-10-13, 22:59
Omg icequeen I feel the same, I need constant reasurance that it will all be ok.
Just can't wait to wake up and not feel sick. X

24-10-13, 08:48
Sometimes knowing theres someone else out there suffering the same as me makes me feel a little ok about it, like im not so alone ... although i feel empty and so alone all the time... but together we can do this... can't we??!! :)

i'd love to wake up and want to get up... and face the day ahead... most morning i'm snoozing my alarm for an hour or more. im starting to set my alarm even earlier to allow for the amount of time it takes for me to get up!

i'd love a constant hug, or someone to hold my hand all the time and help pull me along... telling me its goign to be ok...

On this forum i've found a lot of reassuring words from some wonderfully reassuring people...

i find airing my thoughts and feelings, experiences, on here really helpful... again its the good old "its ok" isn;t it?!

pulling together girls and boys... thats the way we CAN do this!!

much love xxxx

24-10-13, 13:00
Chin up hun you know you will get through this,

Thinking of you xxx