View Full Version : In need of some help..!

23-10-13, 22:22
Where to start. Well i'm new here. This is from the book "At Last a Life" Right? i'm not even sure. I have joined so many of these things. Anyways, i have had Anxiety/Panic disorder for about 4 years now. When i first got Anxiety i knew nothing about it, so i was on Paxil Cr 12.5 mg for about 5 months. I was doing better and decided i wanted off. I came off and had the worse withdrawal symptoms. After they went away I did good without medicine for 2 years. This was a breathing fear. Always felt like i couldn't breathe. Well last October i was at Walmart shopping for my Daughter's 1st birthday party and i told my boyfriend..i feel "weird". He said it's just your Anxiety and i thought nothing of it and as we were leaving my whole body just got weak and i felt very faint. I was freaking out and so scared i thought i was dying, because i never felt like this before. I never experienced it. After this i went to the doctors and i became housebound for a month or so. I said this is enough and started seeing a CBT therapist, which i still go to. She has helped me a lot but now i'm stuck again. It's October and i'm stuck in the house again. I'm scared to be alone or go anywhere alone. I'm terrified of this feeling i get. My therapist recommended me to go see a psychiatrist but i refuse to take Medicine. I want to overcome this without Medication. Except for i have been taking Ativan for a year..but i mean like a ssri. Any help would be appreciated. My boyfriend and i are fighting over this now. I really need my life back. I want to be the mom/girlfriend i always wanted to be. Not be scared to leave my house for the fear of getting the passing out feeling.I should be able to take my kid wherever and not have to worry about getting scared or Anxious. Will i ever feel normal again? I use to be so independent :weep:

23-10-13, 22:39
Hi welcome, I am sure you will find lots of support here and yes I am sure you will feel normal again (whatever normal is :) ). It does get better, there is always light at the end of a tunnel.

23-10-13, 22:39

:welcome: aboard

Just to let you know that No More Panic is not associated with the book "At last a Life" apart from the fact that the author of that used to be a member on here.

23-10-13, 23:05
Oh ok.. i wasn't sure. Thank you.

---------- Post added at 08:05 ---------- Previous post was at 07:49 ----------

Can anyone help me? Please?

23-10-13, 23:33
It sounds like typical panic attack/anxiety symptoms

Can I urge you to read the website pages on the left - first steps, how to cope etc

23-10-13, 23:37
I have read it.. i'm still anxious. Nothing seems to be helping me

23-10-13, 23:54
Reading it won't help unless you absorb it and act on it I have to say

24-10-13, 00:43
Hi, just to say I know what you're going through. I've been housebound since February with a combination of physical illness (POTS) and panic about it all. I'm sure you've heard the 'ride it out and don't pay it any attention' advice, so beyond that I don't really know what to suggest. One step at a time I suppose. Start out with somewhere small with an easy escape route, and remember to really control your breathing if you start feeling dizzy. That's my plan at least.

Edit: I also find passionflower to be a very effective alternative to benzos. Research backs that up from what I've seen.