View Full Version : Please help

23-10-13, 23:06
I'm not long in from work and I've instantly felt ill, I'm on day 28 of citalopram 20mg. But I don't think they have anything to do with how I feel. I feel weak, lightheaded, nauseaus and generally not well. I feel like I'm going to pass out. I'm downstairs with my dad and he is worried because he doesn't know what it is, anxiety or am I really unwell and could die tonight? I'm so scared and don't know what to do. Even before I went on the tablets I felt I was getting weaker and more unwell every day. I seem to think I may have terminal cancer or heart disease and I'll pass in my sleep or pass out at any moment.

I've never had anything like this before and really don't know what to do :(

23-10-13, 23:24
Cammy I'm sorry you're feeling so scared this evening! What you're describing sounds very like either a panic attack or low blood sugar - how long ago was your last meal and what did you eat?

23-10-13, 23:27
Sorry to hear you are feeling so bad. Is there a possibility you could have missed a dose of the citalopram? Just asking because I have felt the way you describe if I have missed a dose. Hope you soon feel better x

23-10-13, 23:33
I had my dinner about 6pm and then had a chocolate bar about 9pm. I'm feeling a little bit better just now. And it's funny you say that because today was my last tablet an I don't have another appointment until Friday to getting repeat prescription so tomorrow and Friday I have to get one of my friend who is on the same tablets. But if I feel like this tomorrow morning I think I may have to call in sick to work and then I won't get a dose till about 4pm :( it's my fault for not phoning the docs a few weeks in advance.

23-10-13, 23:41
Cammy that's a long time not to eat anything decent, especially if you're at work & active. On these colder & darker days you'll also need to eat a little more too. The chocolate may have given you a spike in blood sugar before burning up quickly and the result is a horrible blood sugar crash. If you're stressed you'll also burn up blood sugar faster, so you need to make sure you keep topped up with food.

I know you feel bad right now, but try eating something decent like some peanut butter on toast (brown bread, not white) with a glass of orange juice. Just have something solid to eat and drink then give it 20 minutes to see if it helps you feel better.

The worst part about low blood sugar can be the nausea which makes you not want to eat, but eating is the only way to solve the problem lol. I don't know why our bodies do that to us!

I've felt like you many times when I accidentally let my sugars get low, and I always think that I'm really sick with something or I get angry/depressed/paranoid/anxious. It's amazing the effect it can have on us, but it's so easily solved.

Have something decent to eat, at least you'll know if it was low blood sugar or not.

23-10-13, 23:51
Okay thank you honeylove, I'm going to go have half a BBQ chicken wrap and see how I feel, another annoying thing is I can't sleep because I feel like this and I'm up for work at 7am :( so tomorrow will be a horrible day.

24-10-13, 00:00
Eat the whole wrap! Lol. And have some orange juice with it. Get some good food into you :)

If it is blood sugars, it will calm down if you eat and you'll sleep just fine.

You're predicting a horrible day for yourself tomorrow, that'll only happen if you allow it to. Tomorrow can also be wonderful if you allow it, you have the control.

If you feel bad again in the morning just have a decent breakfast and it may sort you out. I used to feel very anxious in the mornings until I realised it was low blood sugars and I felt a lot better once I learned to eat a good breakfast as soon as possible after waking!

---------- Post added 24-10-13 at 00:00 ---------- Previous post was 23-10-13 at 23:58 ----------

I meant to say if you still struggle with sleeping then put youtube on your phone/laptop beside your bed and search for some relaxation muscle or gentle sounds. Close your eyes and focus on the music and on gentle relaxed breathing. It will help you sleep x

24-10-13, 00:06
Thank you honeylove, had the wrap and I'm going to lie down and listen to some music. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day, sleep well all


24-10-13, 00:10
Sleep well, please let me know in the morning how you're feeling, I hope you find yourself in a better place.

Going to sleep now myself :sleep: