View Full Version : Feel good diet advice?

23-10-13, 23:18
Hi guys so,

I have been looking at doing a juice diet with loads of fruit and veg to start feeling good! start feeling human and alive again! and generally happy!

Thing is its going to be a couple of weeks to i can afford a juicer so i am reaching out for some advice on "Feel good diets" does anyone have any tips i can start first thing tomorrow that will pick me up and cleanse my system as it were with out triggering extra anxiety as i know some diets can do! does anyone have any tips or plans that they have done themselves? I have been eating like rubbish for a few weeks now and i never realised how much eating junk can affect mood and slow you down! its scary to think how much non nutritious food can affect you! any ideas would be a massive help guys! all the best Kez! x

24-10-13, 14:14
A juice diet is good, but you have to watch the calories. fresh squeezed juice contains a lot of sugar, so if you're going to do it maybe have a look at "from concentrate" No Added sugar with sweetener, I know you're thinking of making your own but just a thought for you.

You can get 1 litre cranberry and raspberry from concentrate with less than a trace of saturated/fat etc.

Drink plenty of water, your brain is 70% water so it's good to drink a few glasses at least a day.

Eat plenty of veg, tomatoes etc. they're all good for you. Tomatoes are an excellent source of antioxidant.

Plenty of fish as well, once again, for example Tuna, then get it in brine rather than sunflower oil as that has a higher fat contents than brine. Salmon is an excellent source of protein and a tin can contain about 90 grams of the stuff. :)

Full of omega 3 though, if not then add some cod liver oil, odorless garlic, vitamin C etc. to your diet.

I'm no professional here so just my thoughts and what I'm doing at the moment (This is from some one that didn't eat at all!!)

24-10-13, 14:24
Why not just eat a balanced diet for good instead of a quick fix diet?

Cut out processed foods, too much sugar, too much bread, caffeine and alcohol.

There's a ton of really tasty recipes I've made up over the last couple of years that contain a lot of good stuff but isn't 'health food'. It's just food that's healthy.