View Full Version : Weird sensations as falling asleep - anyone else?

24-10-13, 00:07
I'm having terrible anxiety right now, custody issues.

I"m having night terrors, obviously terrifying.
I am also having this strange sensation upon waking at night, I will wake, still half asleep and then upon falling back to sleep I will feel myself drop and then this weird buzzing in my ears which jolts me back awake!

I figure if it were neurological re : tumor I"d be having it during the day... I only have it at night and not all the time, if I wake up completely it doesn't happen, only if I"m half awake/half asleep.

Anyone else get this?
It's not a nice feeling ....


24-10-13, 00:34
I get things like that, I think it's all part of something called Sleep Paralysis. Not a very worrying thing just sometimes when half awake, your brain ensures your limbs don't fling out strangely in your sleep so it sends signals to prohibit movement. Some people hallucinate mildly in SP, I sometimes hallucinate someone yelling in my ear when there's nobody there when I have a particularly bad episode of SP. Other incidents have included strange noises like the one you experienced, or creepy ones like a dark shadow crossing my vision. Just remember it's all part of the mind and dreaming. Completely a normal thing. :)

---------- Post added at 00:34 ---------- Previous post was at 00:31 ----------

PS I sympathise that it can be worrying and sometimes will fill you with dread. In the en it is usually down to disturbed sleep patterns and stress upon sleeping. I used to get awful SP when I was little; Id fall out of bed and literally be paralysed half awake. The method I've used to break out of it is to literally let it wash over you, let the feelings of dread be replaced with ones of tranquility. If all else fails wiggle your toes for a while and that takes your mind off it, sounds silly but worth a try ;)

24-10-13, 10:17
Hi there
Ive had something similar but instead of the buzzing i felr my heart skips a beat and then racing heartbeats
Just before falling asleep and in the middle of the night
So the doctor told me take some herbal pills with valerian extract before bed and it Helped!!!!so that proves it was really anxiety