View Full Version : Lung cancer scare

24-10-13, 00:46
Ive had a cough for like 3 weeks or so and found blood in my mouth from brushing or eating but not actually coughed any up.
but today only like...couple of hours ago about 10:30 i started getting an ache in my shoulder blade the lower part, i think its called the scapula.
so ofocurse i googled and its a lung cancer symptom! exactly the thing im worrying about atm and on top of that i have pain in my right bicep too
At the top of the pain all i was doing was putting my dinner in :s and the ache hasn't gone since and im lying in bed now and its still there, this is scaring me so much.

24-10-13, 00:54
Why does it have to be lung cancer?

There are loads of reasons for this pain so stop assuming the worst ok

24-10-13, 00:58
I know but ive just had lung cancer on my mind for the last week or so, and then tonight i get an ache in my shoulder blade and as soon as i googled thats the first thing that popped up :(
i didn't even know shoulder blade pain was even connected to lung cancer and because ive been thinking about it when it popped up i started to panic

24-10-13, 01:01
ok so how come I get this page when I google it:


24-10-13, 01:02
The answer is because you look for the worst possible situation and I look for a sensible one!

24-10-13, 01:08
its not my shoulder shoulder, its my shoulder blade on my back, like the mid section of my upper back

24-10-13, 01:28
Sounds very likely you have pulled a muscle coughing.Ive done this many times.Take some Ibuprofen and i'm certain it will help with the pain .
Your symptoms don't suggest lung cancer to me at all.
If you are so convinced it is,you would be better off going to get your chest examined at your GP's.Im sure he /she will put your mind at ease.
Googling only makes you imagine you have the worst case scenario,so try not to pay that particular Dr a visit in future eh? :winks:

24-10-13, 01:44
The answer is because you look for the worst possible situation and I look for a sensible one!


Thing is, if you Google just about anything and add the word "cancer" to it, up pops exactly what your fearing! Presto!

Think about the fact you're trusting a series of numbers and algorithms over a trained physician that treats real people.

I Googled shoulder pain too and cancer never came up :)

Good Luck!

24-10-13, 20:26
Hey guys :)

The pain that was there last night isn't like proper pain no shooting pains, just a dull/pressure ache.
Also today it's been there but I haven't noticed it much and nowehere near the same amount as yesterday.
Is this good news? still worried as it came on suddenly without me remembering lifting or bending or anything.

24-10-13, 20:44
Here's the thing RVP,

If you focus on your body, you're bound to feel things. I know this... If I focused on my body I would never live my life because I'm a freakin' mess from everything that's happened the last 6+ years! I have more aches, pains, creaking and cracking, numbness, shooting knife like pains in my feet from neuralgia... I could make a list that would make you poo your pants!

The point being, we all have weird little things that we feel. If you close your eyes and concentrate hard enough, you can feel and hear all sorts of things and even make yourself feel something!

I'm sure your fine and it's nothing. Especially in light of it being better today. Has anything you're posted about or feared become reality?

Good Luck!

24-10-13, 20:58
No, nothing I have posted has actually been true.
and I wish to keep it that way :P

But I know it's probably nothing but there's a part of my brain which keeps me thinking about it.
That's the hardest part I have and most likely everyone else on this forum.
If we could eliminate the thought from our head it would be perfect.

24-10-13, 21:07
RVP please try to be calm my Mum had lung cancer and there are other symptoms believe me i coughed up blood a few years ago and my back in the centre it hurt so bad i was terrified i had an x ray and it was clear the doc said it was like a tiny tear from constant coughing for a few weeks it cleared up and so did the pain in my back i hope this helps its probably muscular from coughing take care

24-10-13, 21:18
STAY AWAY FROM GOOGLE! Lol I swear the most broad and common symptoms are always 'cancer', I typed in "fatigue, insomnia, headaches" one time and it came up that I had a brain tumor, a blood clot or a blood disorder.. I survived!

Seriously though, it's really unlikely as it is more of a lifestyle cancer (my mum told me, she works on a cancer ward. :unsure:)