View Full Version : worried about my little brother :(

24-10-13, 00:58
my brother has downs syndrome and is almost mute. for the last few hours he has been signing to me that his neck and head hurts and his stomach is upset.

he was sweating earlier too though his forehead doesnt feel hot or anything.

i am really worried about him that it could be something serious what with the neck pain.

can you please say a prayer for him that it's nothing and he will be fine.
if hes still sick i will take him to the doctor. i just really hope it's nothing :(
the fact that he cant communicate really upsets me.

Daisy Sue
24-10-13, 01:22
Hope he's ok soon. If you've got a thermometer in the house, it might be an idea to check his temp.. skin can feel cool to the touch yet you can have a raised core temperature. If it's up slightly, then paracetamol or calpol will help, but if it's up a lot, I'd ring the out of hours helpline.

24-10-13, 01:51
Unfortunately I don't have a thermometer. I've told my mum and she's going to keep an eye on him too. Hopefully it's nothing. Thanks for your advice :)

Daisy Sue
24-10-13, 01:53
Ok :) Keep us posted - I hope he has a good night.