View Full Version : Do you think it's time I switched

24-10-13, 02:03
I have been on venlafaxine for a few months now all it's done is make me feel more anxous my dr has increased the dose to 150 mg 2 weeks ago not sure how much more I can take its pissing me off! Keep having suicidle thoughts coming and going of taking a over dose on all my meds the team I see don't seem to be very supporting in regards to giving me something to ease the anxiety had to go to my gp and he gave me 2mg diazipam to to 3 times a day it's a bit weak the dose am I likely to settle on the venlafaxine ? been on ssri antidepressants and the increased anxiety stayed though out taking them

24-10-13, 08:13
Yes, I do think it's time you switched! Suicidal thoughts on an anti-depressant are not good. It means this medication is NOT right for you and you need to contact a medical professional. I had suicidal thoughts on citalopram/celexa and well I rushed myself over to my psychiratist who later on told me to discontinue. You need to tell your doctors that this is not okay. Everyone's life including yours is worth something. Please get help, and do not sit through this.

24-10-13, 10:12
I had the same problem with citalopram but in the past it helped I'm just fed up of ringing my drs and them leaving me to it I shouldn't have to suffer and the dr wants to add mirtazapine to the venlafaxine I'm no doctor but if mirtazapine works in kind ove the same way then ill end up pacing all the time my old dr took me off citalopram after being on it for 8 weeks and it not settling he then put me on risperodone and I had the same problem he said because it has tiny antidepressant properties as well and that I can't handle them so why my new consultant is doing this is beyond me