View Full Version : Reiki

24-10-13, 03:30
And quick little update if anyone remembers me (or cares lol)

I am off paxil! And dropped the mirtazapind back down to 15mg. My mood is better, but I know I weaned off paxil pretty fast so I am experiencing a bit of withdrawal. Just some bouts of dizziness, and the anxiety is a bit higher than before. But I want to tough it out, and have paxil out of my life for good. It's been 11 days since my last paxil, and a full two weeks back down to 15 of mirt.

I was wondering if anyone has tried Reiki? A friend of my wife's is trained or whatever in it, but I am not exactly sure about it. I mean, it won't hurt to go in with an open mind and give it a shot, but if someone has had a positive experience it would help me go in believing it could work ;)

I also started taking magnesium, calcium, and a b complex (the b has turned my pee radioactive green woohoo! Lol). I would like to go at this as drug free as possible! I am thinking about talking to the doctor about weaning off the mirt and see how I do. I am just sick of the tiredness I feel 24/7 since I started back in august.

Anyway. Ya lol

24-10-13, 10:07
Hi Joc80,
I'm a newcomer to this forum and only 6 weeks into anxiety attacks, but my sister practices Reiki (actually a similiar form of energy healing), she also works with flower essences (Bach flower remedies). On Monday this week, I was in a crisis with the anxiety following a complete night of no sleep. My sister came and spent the day talking and calming me, one of the things she did was to bring her treatment bed and give me a healing session. I have never experienced such a profound sense of relaxation and connectedness, it was blissful. So I think Reiki can play a role in coping with and recovering from anxiety. However I do think that other strategies would need to be involved, so personally I am also looking into CBT and possible some hypnotherapy as well as continuing to use the energetic healing.

Hope this is helpful

Neurotic Nick
24-10-13, 20:46
Hi joc80, all of those you and loupylou mentioned are worth a try imo but i would also add mindfullness in the mix. While it hasnt (yet) helped my with anxiety directly i has helped me immensly with dealing with the acceptance part and being a lot more forgiving and compassionate towards myself. I wish you all the best! :)