View Full Version : Acceptance of Anxiety

24-10-13, 09:33
I had a total hysterectomy in June, I recovered pretty well, I was ill before the operation and I had a 3 pint transfusion the week before, I dealt with all of this well. I was in survival mode, "I will be fine, I will be fine, I have to be ok for my kids/family" for the past 3 months I have suffered on and off (mainly on) with a feeling of off balance, it is not anaemia nor is it blood pressure, I can get on with my life but I have this horrible feeling all the time, I know this is anxiety, I have been through a lot, I expected it at some point to raise its head, but this is the first time in my life it has represented itself as a balance problem, what worries me, is that I have accepted that it is anxiety but it shows no sign of going away.............any tips? helpful advice? I am doing the right things and not letting it stop me from going out, although I find this makes it worse I refuse to let it take over, but at the back of my mind I just want to go away :weep:

24-10-13, 10:38
I'm dealing with balance problem myself...I stopped meds about 1 month ago and have this constant dyzzi feeling. I started meds again and I hope it will improve.

Are you on meds?

24-10-13, 13:33
No I am not on any meds at all, many years ago (13) I was on something called dothiapin or prothiadin but once I came off those meds I told myself that I would try not to ever go back to taking medication, I have some times in my life where I am symptom free, the thing is that I know this anxiety has come about because of my recent health problems but I am hating the way it is manifesting itself, I am more used to feelings of "unreality" this off balance feeling in my opinion is worse!