View Full Version : See you later all

24-10-13, 14:14
Hi everyone,

I've made some great friends here who I will be staying in touch with, and in addition to that, so many of you have helped me in my darkest moments. Thank you to everyone who has ever commented on one of my threads. And thank you to Nicola and all of the mods who give their time so that we have this safe, supportive community.

I've come to an understanding that my anxiety is slightly different to a large section on this board. I've also realised that I am not as patient or kind as many on this board. I've lost people to some of the things people fear on this board and I've found myself getting impatient with people on here. That is unfair and I apologise to anyone I have been sharp with.

I think it is best that I take a break from this place.

I begin my psychotherapy this Saturday where I hope to begin the process of leaving my lung cancer fear (and indeed, anxiety in general) behind me. Once I am well on the road to doing that, I will be back to try and pass on whatever help I can.

Good luck to you all. And please, listen to each other and appreciate the support you get here. In particular, listen to the likes of Fishmanpa, Skippy, Brunette (and I'm sure I've missed others) who have a better grip on reality than we do in our times of panic.

See you all later,

Katie x

24-10-13, 14:32
Best of luck with the therapy Katesa, you'll definitely benefit from it!

I understand your decision to take some time away from the boards, sometimes this can be a frustrating place when you're trying to help people but they're just not listening to anyone. Since you're in a position where you can be very rational I'm sure that you'll be ok with some work. It's also good for you to take a break from a space like this, and just focus on yourself.

Cpe1978 also made the decision to go, and I sent them a PM with some things that I've learned about anxiety in it, to hopefully help them on their way. If you like I can send you a copy too, just say the word. You might already have a great toolkit that you're using to fight anxiety, but just thought I'd put that out there for you.

Wishing you all the best and a good recovery :) xxx

24-10-13, 14:42
I would love that HoneyLove if you don't mind!

Thank you so much x

24-10-13, 14:46
No problem, I'll send it to you now :)

24-10-13, 14:48
I wish you all the very best in the world Katesa, and I totally understand your reasons, which are very valid indeed.

All the very best with your therapy and recovery hun.xxxx:hugs:

24-10-13, 14:53
All the best!:)

24-10-13, 15:01
Debs, you are such a sweetie and talk so much sense I wish you all the luck in the world.

Thank you Barnabas, all the best to you too hon.

By the way everyone, HoneyLoves PM is full of common sense tips and advice. If anyone is serious about getting better, and wants some good pointers in the right direction, I highly recommend asking her for a copy

24-10-13, 15:03
Good luck :) I would love a copy of the pm x

24-10-13, 15:05
Aww best of luck hope everything goes well for xx

24-10-13, 15:15
Kick some A$$ and take no prisoners ya hear! :)

Positive thoughts and prayers!

24-10-13, 15:29
Good luck and all the very best to you too Mrs Stress and Sophie. Fight the good fight!

Fishmanpa, I will. If you're still hanging around here when I come back, I promise you'll find me fighting for the light side of the force! Thank you for absolutely everything. I know Chris said it yesterday, but you really are everything I hope I can be if and when I ever face a serious illness (which many of us on here will one day - that makes what we are doing to ourselves now even more tragic - I dread the thought of getting something serious in say my 60's and looking back on a life of worry and thinking "you blood fool!". I wish you every success in your continued recovery and will continue to imagine you sat in a rocking chair nodding sagely as you answer our panic filled posts with wise, calm advice.

24-10-13, 16:12
Good luck and all the very best to you too Mrs Stress and Sophie. Fight the good fight!

Fishmanpa, I will. If you're still hanging around here when I come back, I promise you'll find me fighting for the light side of the force! Thank you for absolutely everything. I know Chris said it yesterday, but you really are everything I hope I can be if and when I ever face a serious illness (which many of us on here will one day - that makes what we are doing to ourselves now even more tragic - I dread the thought of getting something serious in say my 60's and looking back on a life of worry and thinking "you blood fool!". I wish you every success in your continued recovery and will continue to imagine you sat in a rocking chair nodding sagely as you answer our panic filled posts with wise, calm advice.

You're very sweet Katesa,

I truly wish you the best and fully expect you to recover fully and completely. May you never have to face what I've faced. I'm glad a chance meeting on a website on the world wide web helped in some small way :)

Many blessings!