View Full Version : head cold? or anxious me?

24-10-13, 14:29
so the last couple of days i've been having tension in my head on my forehead and on my temples... but its a really uncomfortable feeling, to the point where i had to call someone to stop me having a panic attack the first time it happened, this is followed by a mildly sick feeling.. like being in a stuffy car... i'm just wondering if i'm getting a cold or my anxiety is kicking in again, i'm confused because in the last month or so i've been fine(ish) anxiety wise, but my GAD is always quite high regardless.... could it just be the stress having its affect on me?? i've been sleeping pretty badly too :shrug:

24-10-13, 15:02
Hi Grace,

It does sound like stress/anxiety to me. I also get awful head pain, like a painful band across my forehead and back of neck, mostly when my anxiety is high. Sleeping probs too are a good indication of anxiety again.

Have you tried taking anything for it? (I know that might sound a daft question) but it should help knock the pain on the pain on the head.

Chamomile tea is brilliant when you are having sleep/relaxation problems. A cup before bed is really helpful.

Hope you feel better soon hun.xx:hugs:

25-10-13, 15:23
thank you for replying! x , i love camomile tea! i have a load of herbal teas at home which help.. i did take a tablet for the headache (after i hid it in some food, i hate tablets and i have a lot of trouble convincing myself to swallow them, tsh!) i think im just getting back into a high state of anxiety again as this has been happening a lot now just a general sickness feeling with the head pressure (been insanely jumpy too).... but i might be run down as my other half has just gotten ill too, im just thinking if i should see a doctor or not as i'm not on medication for my anxiety still after a lot of being offered them