View Full Version : Fearing tonsil cancer.

24-10-13, 15:18
I am a 23 year old female, don't smoke or drink but I have been having persistent problems with my throat for the last two years. I had a bad bout of tonsilitis at the start of this year and since then I have had a couple more minor infections of the tonsils but now I am fearing it is tonsil cancer.

I consulted dr google and it's said over and over how one tonsil bigger than the other is almost always a sign. My right tonsil is larger than my left, my dr and a few others have stated how I have rather large tonsils that have seen better days (they have crypts in them and are constantly full of white stuff) but no one has said why or seemed concerned enough to send me to an ENT dr. I also have a small pea like lump in my neck on the right side too, kinda under my chin. It's been there a couple months and has not grown but it ached when I had my infections. It doesn't hurt anymore, only if you press on it it's kinda like pressing a nerve.

I'm just absolutely panicking that they're missing the fact I have cancer because one tonsil is big and kinda long but the other is big like its fuller, it's noticeably larger than the other side and a different shape. I am terrified and it is actually ruining my life ATM because I spend all day stressing.

My last bloodwork was done in April after my bout of tonsilitis, I have had no tests run since (also I had an ENT look at my throat in hospital in March when I was taken in for dehydration from my tonsillitis and she had no concerns then..could it have developed since then?)

Anyone gone through the same thing or have any words of advice?

25-10-13, 03:51
Hey Honeynut,

I am also 23, and I can tell you that my tonsils are EXACTLY the same. one is bigger than the other, and they are both quite different in shape. Both are quite large and have big crypts as well that get infected quite easily. Even worse is the fact that whenever I get stressed or anxious, the first thing to flare up is my tonsils.

As a child I suffered from constant bouts of tonsilitis, and even now when my anxiety is high I seem to be particularly prone to throat infections and tonsilitis.

If you are still really concerned you can go back and ask for further blood tests. There are distinct things that come up in blood tests to indicate cancer, so if your doctor has expressed no concerns re cancer from your prior tests then it's extremely super unlikely to have developed in 6 months.

My words of advice to you are to AVOID DR. GOOGLE at all costs. You can diagnose yourself with anything based on symptoms listed online, and that is why doctors are the only people who can really diagnose you, because they are the only people trained to understand what symptoms really indicate something and what don't.

I hope you're feeling better soon!!

anxiety nightmare
25-10-13, 10:37
its probably recurrent oral thrush infection, caused by dryness of the mouth and throat,which is a symptom of anxiety ,,,i get it a lot with anxiety...sometimes every other week,little pockets of white pus on the tonsil and at the back of the throat,gargling with salty water helps,

25-10-13, 23:23
Hi, I had recurring tonsilitis as well as one larger than the other, and I had exactly the same thing about the weird white stuff. I got really annoyed in the end because I missed loads of time off college during my exams ect and I missed loads of work (plus I don't get sick pay), and the ENT specialist sent me to get them removed. It was a really quick op and (despite the horror stories online) I found recovery virtually painless - more of a discomfort than anything else!

I also wonder if the reason so many people complain about tonsillectomy recovery is because a lot of them are from America where the medical advice is to eat very soft foods after surgery, like jelly; whereas my hospital advised me to eat really hard, scratchy foods like dry toast to 'scrape' the scabs/possible infection off, and stop the scabs from being too thick.

In 2wks I was pretty much recovered, and going through with it was the best decision I ever made - some people imo are just unlucky with their tonsils, and they are not necessary to health - the only reason they are reluctant to remove them is because usually they shrink a little with age and become less problematic.

If it is causing you a lot of discomfort, I would recommend you enquire with your GP about this surgery. I believe you have to have some sort of infection 7 times in one yr, or miss a particular amount of time off work/school - I think I missed 3 weeks in a year, and had an infection 7 or 8 times and I think the ENT specialist said I just about scraped in!

I'd show you photos but it looks quite vile haha.

Good luck! xx:hugs:

---------- Post added at 23:23 ---------- Previous post was at 23:21 ----------

ALSO large tonsils collect crap more easily, hence the white stuff. The surgeon said to me afterwards that I was lucky to be rid of them, since there was loads of it all inside them too, even when they weren't infected, just because of their size!! :ohmy:

Tilly Flop
26-10-13, 09:57
I've been worrying about the same issues since the summer, I had a bout of tonsillitis then, had antibiotics from the Dr, but it tripped the start if a fear about all things throat / tonsil. It did subside for a few weeks but is back at the moment, my throat isn't red or inflamed but does feel dry and irritated, especially on one side, my tonsils aren't inflamed or particularly large but on one side there is a pretty big crater / crypt, which I panic about, though the sensible part if my brain tells me the Dr would have seen when he looked at it in the summer and he never mentioned any abnormality.
I never realised things like sore throat etc can be an indicator or stress / anxiety.