View Full Version : ok worried about husband been ill for a month

24-10-13, 17:42
Hi all
Thought I'd been doing pretty well recently but then my husband ended up with flu/virus which knocked him out for about 4 days. He recovered for a couple of days and then got a cough/sinus pain/sore throat. He has been to dr's twice now and both have given him a good examination and told him it's viral and they can't give him anything for it. He has very slowly over the last 4 weeks improved but still has the cough..(although not as bad) and bad sinus pain and is constantly blowing his nose and sounds very bunged up. Sore throat has gone though and the temperature

He has lost just over a stone in 5 weeks as he had no appetite and I'm really worrying about him now. I keep thinking he has blood cancer as he can't shift this cough.sinus pain, although the dr's haven't mentioned doing any blood tests and don't seem worried. He has started eating properly again and is back at work but just looks tired. I know I'm letting my HA get the better of me but needed some reassurance that this is normal.


24-10-13, 17:49
My sister has also had a nasty virus that she can't seem to shift. It has been on and off (mostly on) for over 2 months. The Dr gave her antibiotics in the end, but they haven't touched it, so it is obviously viral. The Dr told her that there are some nasty bugs about at the moment. She asked for a blood test, which was fine. She's just trying to build herself up with vitamins etc. Hope your husband feels better soon. Try not to worry (easier said than done for HA sufferers!).

24-10-13, 18:22
Maybe some sort of tonic or vitamins would help him? I have found Berocca effervescent tablets to be really good or Metatone tonic.

24-10-13, 18:28
Metatone really worked for me when I was recovering from a chest infection. I was ill in total for over a month. Dr said to me for every ten years of life you add a week to recovery x