View Full Version : Worried about headaches

24-10-13, 17:47
Hello all I've lurked these forums for a long time now but i need to make this post to see if anyone else has had anything similar.

For the last three and a half weeks I've been experincing two types of headache, the first is when ever I move my head, bend over, laugh, cough, sneeze or when I do any kind of strain. My doc has checked my BP and told me all is normal and that he suspects it's some sort of positional headache and to drink plenty of water.

The second headache I'm experiencing comes without warning, a very painful headache which may only last 30-40 seconds and feels as though its rushing or spreading across my head, my doc has told me this is just nerve endings firing and there's nothing that can be done for it.

Being someone who's on Citalopram and has suffered with health anxiety for quite some time now its not easy to simply accept something that's very painful and real to me as "normal" and my mind keeps worrying about aneurysms, brain tumors etc..

Has anyone else experienced similar headaches? Its going on for so long now really cant take much more!!

24-10-13, 19:56
I've had that headache, a sharp localised pain whenever ylu cough, sneeze, sniff, bend etc. I was fine, I was worried about it at the time but the doctors werent concerned and I'm still here :)

24-10-13, 20:16
Thanks for replying roxy thats good to hear! May I ask how long it lasted for you? Several times i've been close to tears with worry I know its stupid but this is my first real health anxiety stress for a long time..

24-10-13, 20:34
It lasted a good week. I went to the hospital doctors and everything I was totally panicked but nothing happened. I awas in tears plenty of times!

I still suffer from headaches every day but a different type :(

24-10-13, 20:50
Sorry to hear that Roxy. As I said it's been more than a month now I tried to be good and not go to my GP or worry about it but its all the bloody time now, paracetamol just aren't touching it.

The second type of headache is the one that's really worrying me - Sudden rushing pain from the top right spreading towards the back of my head - I just phase out and go into panic thinking of aneurysms.. I've not been like this for a long time

24-10-13, 20:53
Oh god aneurysms are my biggest fear! I know exactly how you feel, my headaches are very sharp like a pulsating pain it comes and goes all day everyday.

24-10-13, 21:19
Yes I guess if it was something serious it would have happened by now, or at least that's what I tell myself when I'm not in a state of pure fear.

Thanks again for replying.. my CBT therapist has advised me to steer clear of seeking any reassurance like this but it can get so lonely with no outlet and these horrible symptoms which are "normal"

24-10-13, 21:20
I had a headache like your first one and it turns out it was from my neck/head muscles being strained, since at work I lean over and lift and twist at the same time which is meant to be really bad for you.. try relaxing your neck muscles/doing exercises. :)

25-10-13, 03:34
I get the 30-40 second headaches too and its terrfying. I was basically told the same by my doc, but she did suggest taking magnesium supplements which seem to have helped a bit. Maybe you can ask yyor doctor if that is an option for you.

Wombat Overlord
25-10-13, 10:47
I get kind of the same type of headache; it is only behind my right eye and I can only feel it when I cough or move my head really fast. There are so many things that could potentially cause these types of headaches, almost none of them serious; if it helps you clear your head you can always get an MRI, but seeing as the vast majority of the people on this planet suffer from headaches for varying periods of their lives, I'd venture to guess that they are nothing to worry about. I am the same way though; every time I feel something weird in my head (ex: headache, pressure, lightheadedness, etc.) I immediately assume that I have developed a massive tumor in my brain.

27-10-13, 21:30
Hi guys just like to thank you for the support, headaches are started to get less frequent and less severe now (apparently they got bored of me after a month!!) although I still get myself in a state when they strike I might ask the doc about upping my cit dose to see if i cope a bit better :)