View Full Version : Hypotension = Constant lightheadedness?

24-10-13, 18:29
Heyy, me again ._.

A few days ago I asked about getting dizzy when I stand up and realized it was Hypotension.

Since then i've been lightheaded a lot. Like every time I bend down a little, not even bending down far, my head goes funny. Even when i'm just walking into another room I feel lightheaded.

I don't understand, what's going on with me?
I was fine till 3 days ago when I stood up from being on the floor and almost blacked out.

Does it mean anything? :(

24-10-13, 19:27
Hello yes hypotension can make you constantly dizzy especially when standing up from sitting. There isn't much you can do apart from eat more salt and drink lots of fluids to increase bp.

My bp used to be 100/60 but since gaining 20lbs it is now 135/90. quite scary but i still get dizzy all the time because i have pots syndrome. if your heart beats fast when standing you may have pots too. it's harmless though it causes dizziness when upright and during exercise.