View Full Version : Really really worried today after ultra sound:(

24-10-13, 19:18
I have always suffered with HA but for the last few years I have been able to keep it under control after having CBT.......

Anyhow since 2009 I have been having hassle with my periods.....which resulted in me having a scan in Jan 2012 that showed up generalized fibroids and slight thickening of the womb but my Dr was happy with that and said it is down to the perimenopause( I am 49 now)......

Fast forward til last month and my periods are lasting about 8 weeks now with no end in sight unless I take prescribed tablets to stop them.....My Dr sent me for another ultrasound (which was today) and the lady doing it wasn't as nice as last time and she said at the end when I asked her if it was ok that she could see slightly more thickening of the womb than she would like to see:weep: but that it is very common in perimenopausal women and that my Dr will probably refer me to have it checked out by a gynaecologist. I said will this be a biopsy and she said ~ooo no not necessarily they will probably just want to have a look !!!!
As you can imagine I am totally freaking out...
I also asked her if she could see anything else and she said ~*nothing that jumps out at me.*....:blush:
Soo tonight I am sat here in tears after googling "thickening of the lining of the womb" and nearly every article mentions cancer...
I hope someone can give me some advice.....I am gonna try and call my GP tomorrow as they said they fax the results over the same day to your surgery..
Thanks everyone xxx

24-10-13, 19:22
I had thickening of the lining of the uterus during perimenopause as do most woman. Don't google any more!! I was also referred to a gynaecologist but was fine so please don't worry about it. I am sure it is quite normal.

24-10-13, 19:23
Thank you Annie:) xxx

24-10-13, 19:31
Annie is right jellybean, this is totally normal for women in the menopause! My mum had a similar issue and had a procedure which recalled helped with the heavy periods that it causes. Try not to worry, and stay away from google! It will only give you the worst case scenarios. Your doctors are taking care of you, trust them and don't jump to the worst possible conclusion! You're only worrying yourself about something that hasn't actually happened. X

24-10-13, 19:41
Thanks Honey :)xxx

24-10-13, 19:46
I was having erratic periods a few years ago and had a scan. My periods were like 45-50 days between, and I too had thickening of the womb lining, and I also remember worrying about the same as you, but it is just your hormones mucking things up, and very common.

The sonographer basically said that because my periods were so long between, the womb has thickened beyond it's normal thickness, and after I finally get another period, and it becomes regular again, it should be fine (which it was) I was later found to have a polyp after another scan.

The body basically gets out of sync, and instead of thickening and falling away at the usual time, it just keeps on thickening, which may explain why your periods are lasting for so long hun (because of the build up and backlog)

Try not to get too worried. I am sure it is all fine.x:hugs:

24-10-13, 19:47
I hope they can give you some help, it sounds like you've been having a horrible time with it xx

24-10-13, 19:54
Thanks Debs:) To be honest she wasn't really very "nice" today....I sort of got "told off" LOL!!! for not being able to hold my "wee" as I was soo desperate for the loo they had to do the internal scan.....and then when I asked questions she was telling me to wait til the end:shrug:
I was telling her I had HA and said I was worried about a tumour and she said * nothing else jumps out at me apart from the thickening of the womb*.....
Just feel exhausted tonight......been a stressful day xxx

24-10-13, 20:03
Poor you, JB.:mad: I know that some of these staff doing scans, etc. can be a bit curt and rude sometimes. Not very patient friendly to say the least! You're bound to be curious and want to know what they can see, so who can blame you for asking questions?:shrug: xxx

24-10-13, 20:37
Thanks again for your help Debs :)

24-10-13, 20:52
No problems at all, JB. xxx:hugs:

24-10-13, 21:23
...they will always say you have thickening of the womb lining...very common which they dont tell you...please dont worry!!

24-10-13, 23:55
Thanks Simona :)