View Full Version : anxiety all the time?

24-10-13, 19:44
hi I have had anxiety for 8yrs now and ive not been coping very well the last few weeks and wanted to ask if anyone else has their anxiety allday and everyday as that's how mine is no matter wat im doing it is constantly there and im always thinking about its asif my brain is possesed with the anxiety and it wont leave if that makes any sence to anyone, as today it was so bad that I started to think that surely this cant be anxiety to have it constantly like I do and that no one seems to have it 24\7 like me and I was going to go and ask my gp to see if I could see a psychiatrist again even tho I saw one 2yrs and he diagnosed me with GAD i stopped my self from running up to my gp as deep down i know it is anxiety but for some reason my brain wont exept it so i just wanted to ask on here if anyone else is like it thk you

24-10-13, 20:35
Hello Tricia, Yes anxiety can do that to you where you have it all day everyday. I'm in the same boat as you. My brain won't stop I have constant thoughts and a lot of time it puts me into a panic attack. I wish there was a switch that you could just turn off. Some days are worse than others. One main problem I have is Breathing. I feel like I can't get enough air in my lungs and I am constantly taking deep breaths. I have asked my doctor about it and yes that is a sign of anxiety also. Don't know if you get that but thought I would mention it just in cause. Also a lot of sleeping issues. I try to distract my self with exercise, watching tv, I do work and that is really hard, for when I feel panic coming on I do not know where to turn. It is a roller coaster ride, but my medicine I'm on seems to help a little. Lexopro & Zanex. Are you on any medicine for your anxiety.

24-10-13, 20:46
hi thk you for repling im not on meds as im petriefied of taking any kind of meds

24-10-13, 21:59
I was too @ first @ they made me feel a little worse, so what I did was I cut the pills in half and take half of the pills. That seems to help.

24-10-13, 22:47
It comes in waves for me, normality ruined by the simplest things that send me into my "crazy mood" can last 2hrs or 2wks - the worst is when I feel physically sick with stomach in knots and racing mind.

If I could motivate to get back exercising I know that would work better than drink/meds but my brain has a mental brake on a the moment.

I've got the same issue with going to the gp as you do but we both know it's the right thing to do.

26-10-13, 15:34
I would try the meds they do help then get some CBT

26-10-13, 17:29
Tricia do you mean that you cannot stop the anxious thoughts? CBT can be particularly good to help you stop those anxious thought patterns :)

26-10-13, 19:35
Tricia what exactly are you doing to combat the anxiety

27-10-13, 16:41
thk u all for replying I cant seem to stop the aniouse thoughts and because of what happened to me yesterday which I posted here yesterday I cant seem to get it out my head as it scared the life out of me and I keep thinking what if it happens again and why did it happen and now im scared to go out or do anything incase it happens again so that has made me feel worse with my anxiety as today ive a headache and feel sick and keep wanting to pee all the time hopefully im starting cbt in a few weeks which might help and pancho regaurds to wt I do to help myself with the anxiety I do relaxation everyday I try distraction go for a walk and selftalk

27-10-13, 18:26
It sounds like you're doing a lot of the right things Tricia, and it's great that you're starting CBT soon, it will really help you :)

27-10-13, 20:03
thk you honeylove for your kindness, and I just hope I can overcome this resent scare I had yesterday as I keep thinking I don't want to go out incase I feel like I did yesterday but I know I must go out and not let the fear beat me . not sure how too do it tho?

27-10-13, 20:13
It sounds like you're doing a lot of the right things Tricia, and it's great that you're starting CBT soon, it will really help you :)

The CBT will help you learn how to do that Tricia. It's designed to help you look at how you think, your damaging thought patterns and will teach you to challenge them and replace them with new ones.

If you'd like some help in the mean time you can teach yourself some CBT on this website: https://moodgym.anu.edu.au/welcome - my doctor told me about it, and it's really good, you might find it helpful :)