View Full Version : help needed please

24-10-13, 22:01
hi everyone im a ha sufferer big time, anyway my daughter is 5 and has mentioned for the past 3 mornings she has a pain under her right eyebrow towards the end of the eye, now of course my panic has gone into overdrive thinking brain tumour, ive rang out of hours and there not concerned as she hasn't got any other symptoms im going to go to my own gp tomorrow but can anyone understand what this could be thanks

24-10-13, 22:06
It could very well be a migraine, is her vision affected at all? How long does the pain last?

Edit: To expand I often get migraines "behind" my eye with a pain running from the bottom of the brow into the eye itself. Sometimes I may have blurry vision with the migraine and as a child I'd often get them in the mornings.

24-10-13, 22:11
0n and off she says and no its not affected

24-10-13, 22:28
Not a lot to go on but the lack of other symptoms is good thing I guess, you don't need visual disturbance for it to be a migraine behind the eye or as I like to call them "eyegraine" lol! Has she been sleeping well? Drinking plenty?
I'd say lenty of rest and water till she can see the GP tomorrow! I wish you the best :)

24-10-13, 22:44
A 5 year old with a migraine is highly unlikely. As with most 5 year old children, they bang their heads and other body parts all the time. It's totally normal and the chances of it being sinister are practically nil.

If she continues to complain, take her to see the doc. Easy enough. I'm sure she'll be just fine :)

Good Luck!

24-10-13, 22:59
I had childhood migraines, they were nothing like you describe, they made me pass out!

Anyway I've had eyebrow pains for days no explanation but nothing serious x