View Full Version : Hi all

24-10-13, 23:29
Just saying hello to the community really :)
Ive been reading some web based information for past 9 months to try self diagnose whats going on inside my mind. Seems like the past 2 - 3 years I have been suffering with anxiety problems I think brought about by work related stress, bucket loads of it ! I finally got round to going the doctors and talking through my symptoms with him and he tried putting me onto SSRI meds which I dont want so I agreed to take beta blockers instead.
They took a while to work properly but they relieved my symptoms of being daily tortured quite quickly :D I also noticed they wore off too early in the day so went back for a higher dosage, the higher dosage worked much better :yesyes:
Been on these for about 5 months now and in the past week they have worn off completely or at least thats how it feels, im back to being freaked out and constantly on edge, nervous & waiting for bad things to happen. I was thinking a while back that the meds aint working but I can tell from my past 7 days of daily torture that they were most definitely working. I am wondering of something I have eaten has neutralised the meds as im at a loss here so any input would be greatly appreciated.

25-10-13, 11:17
Hi Welcome to NMP. If you think your meds have stopped working I would discuss it with your GP.

25-10-13, 19:04
69 views and 1 hello LOL

This may sound odd but I think when I eat chilli's it brings about major anxiety issues and in the following days. I like hot & spicy foods so have my diet revolve around them in past years however I have cut certain things down to try see what antagonises it etc. When feeling like your being crushed into the ground or everything is spinning / moving its hard to try remember whats brought this on. Anybody on here ever heard of certain foods bringing on anxiety meltdowns ?

thanks in advance

25-10-13, 19:57
Welcome to the forums! I'm sure you'll find plenty of help and support here - I certainly have. :)

I think it's best if you go back to the doctors for a meds review. Is there a reason you can't take SSRIs? There are several other anxiety meds which aren't SSRIs which may be suitable for you.

25-10-13, 22:37

I dont want to take any SSRI's due to a few reasons but the main 1 is I wont be able to do my job properly and deal with all the related issues associated with starting them, finding the right 1's, getting right dosage etc. My work requires my brain to be sharp and on form, not out for lunch LoL.
I also know a few people around me who have been taking SSRI's for a while and in all honesty I dont like the zombie type effects they do to them. I only know of beta blockers as an alternative and they only slow the heart rate down and dont affect the mind, what are some of the others that may be suitable for me ?

Thank you

25-10-13, 22:47
:welcome:to nmp there are lots of other medication you can try speak to your gp

25-10-13, 22:52

My GP wanted me to go onto SSRI's and it was myself that suggested beta blockers to him. I based this on web based research I had been doing to try and find out what was wrong with me as I couldnt handle it anymore. I would appreciate some more info on alternate med's :yesyes:

26-10-13, 07:49
Generally SSRI's are pretty mild, and don't cause any of the 'zombie' effects. As they settle your mind they usually help you to think more clearly.

26-10-13, 08:16
Hi Special K
I know how you feel about taking SSRI's. I am really sensitive to meds and also need a sharp brain for my job. Tried Sertraline and had a very bad reaction - I did some research and came across Cipralex which seems to have fewer side effects so asked my Doc for a low dose. I have been taking 5mg since Monday and so far very little side effects. Slight nausea and dizziness for a couple of days and a little increase in anxiety. My head has been perfectly clear though. Might be worth you giving them a try?

26-10-13, 09:41
Hello there

The side effects you are talking about from taking cipralex are the very effects I am trying to get rid of. The light headedness and over anxiousness over nothing drive me insane, it comes out of nowhere and easily ruins the day / week. Ive been trying to get a grip on where it comes from and zap whatever it is as im sure certain foods trigger it and then it tapers off as the particular product works its way out your system. If I began taking meds that give me the symptoms im trying to get rid of its unlikely I would be able to continue taking them.
Im not going mad but until I realised 'anxiety' was my issue I really did think 'im going mad' and it was so upsetting that nobody around me understood my issues. Reading just this web site / forum shows me that theres lots of people with these similar issues so we cant all be mad :D

26-10-13, 12:45
Everyone is different, but I personally haven't had any zombie feelings since starting SSRIs. I'm a computer programmer which is a mentally taxing job but I can still concentrate on my work ok. But then again, if I make a mistake, it's not a matter of life and death. For someone whose job involves driving or operating machinery, or any other sort of job where a mistake could lead to injury, I can understand the concern. There is a warning on the prescription label saying your reactions may be impaired, so people have to use their judgement as to whether it's safe or not.

26-10-13, 16:03
Hi Special K

The side effects only lasted a couple of days so may be worth a try? If you really don't want to you could have a look at any of Claire Weekes books, old fashioned but explains anxiety so well and very comforting also the Linden Method - I got this cheap on Amazon for £30 (without the support ) there is a lot of useful information and the visualisations which you get on CD (I have downloaded them onto my ipod) are really good. I also do deep breathing, mindfulness and progressive muscle relaxation all of which help some. Also if you can't get to a counciller for CBT there is a very good book - Mind over Mood by Greenberger and Padesky (again you could get 2nd hand on Amazon) which is a very good practical guide to CBT including charts etc which you can photocopy - easy to follow yourself. These have all brought my anxiety levels down quite a bit, and hopefully time will do the rest!