View Full Version : omg why so anxious

24-10-13, 23:43
hi ive just got a letter through the post for a routine mammogram at 47 apparantly they are inviting women from the age of 47 randomly as a new thing and my anxiety is going through the roof as anyone one else been invited at this age x

24-10-13, 23:47
No but if it's a new thing, I wouldn't have been! If it's routine then why worry? It's just a random call-up. I was 52 before they called me, I even rang to check why I hadn't been called.

25-10-13, 10:27
honestly i feel shocking ive just been for a breast check with the dr and she says all fine then this comes through the door my sister also got one on the same day but shes 53 why am i acting like this im so ashamed of myself

25-10-13, 14:56
anyone else feel like this when they have to go for a smear or mammogram or just me x

25-10-13, 15:16
I am 55 and just had my 3rd mammogram last week. I can only see it as a good thing.

25-10-13, 15:18
Im like that when I have to go for a smear, I should of gone 5months ago I keep putting it off ,just cant do it my anxiety is bad at the moment ,so I know were your coming from xx

25-10-13, 20:56
It's definitely normal to be invited for a mammogram at your age. They go by dr surgery so you could be called any time if you fall into a certain age bracket when they invite your surgery. A colleague of mine had her first one at 45.

25-10-13, 21:03
Can I ask a question - do mammograms involve a lot of radiation and if so how much? do they like squeeze your boobs lol im worried about getting one...x

25-10-13, 21:06
Can I ask a question - do mammograms involve a lot of radiation and if so how much? do they like squeeze your boobs lol im worried about getting one...x

My gf went for hers this morning (she's 49... shhh, don't tell her I told you!). It involves an x-ray and yes, your boobs get squished a bit. Nothing to worry about.

Good Luck

25-10-13, 21:29
It is not mandatory is it?

25-10-13, 21:38
They involve very little radiation. Yes they squish your boobs but I am a real wimp and it doesn't bother me at all. It is over with in a matter of seconds. Nothing at all to worry about.

25-10-13, 21:41
It is not mandatory is it?

It's not mandatory but it is certainly prudent. I'm sure most would affirm that.

25-10-13, 21:52
I would rather have my boobs squished for a few seconds and be able to know early rather than later if I had any problems :)

26-10-13, 09:46
I've had several now and it really didn't hurt at all

26-10-13, 10:40
the mammogram itself im not bothered about its the waiting after for the results that bothers me x

03-11-13, 18:40
I was told it was incredibly painful and it honestly isn't. The most uncomfortable part for me was that I had to stand on tiptoe as the machine was a little too high for me to reach! I'm with Annie on this one.