View Full Version : second negative d dimer but still not convinced.

25-10-13, 05:05
i had a second negative d dimer today but i am still not feeling reassured.
how likely exactly is it that a blood test for clots could be wrong? i really need some reassurance.
i have this sharp cramp pain in my left calf which gets worse when i move it, and also severe breathlessness.

i am starting to wonder if a) the d dimer is a false fluke, which does happen or perhaps the clot is too old to have been picked up or

b) there's a clot in my arm from when a drip was put in, since the day after that is when my breathlessness began.

or c) it's plaque in my leg artery, since I have bad circulation and my feet are always blue.

i am not allowed a vq lung scan and my gp isn't happy with me - i want to see a vascular specialist but i know a referral could take weeks or months.

im really tired of having this constant reminder in my calf. it's preventing me from sleeping. i have no idea what to do from here. right now i have pins and needles in that foot and it feels really cold - the nurse actually mentioned today how cold my feet were in such a hot room. she brushed her hand against my left foot and gasped lol. and my toes were a ghastly purple ugly colour until i moved my feet enough to get the blood flowing. so it can't all be in my head.

25-10-13, 09:42
Eastofeden if the medical tests and doctors aren't reassuring you then I'm not sure there is anything here that we can say either. You've made countless posts about this same fear and lots of folks have offered advice. It might be a good idea to have a read back through what people have said to you.

In all honesty I think it's your health anxiety that you need to work on now, not seeking more reassurances. It's time for you to focus on the fears underneath all of these tests.

It's clear that this is really upsetting you, so I hope that you can find some relief from the anxiety. Xxx