View Full Version : What could cause these types of headaches?

25-10-13, 05:24
So as you all know I have brain tumour anxiety and get on and off head pains.
But today I went to a football game and I had my head turned to the left for the most of the game due to my seats. It gave me a really bad forehead and top of head headache.

Could it be neck related? The pain worsens when I press on the area

---------- Post added at 00:24 ---------- Previous post was at 00:12 ----------

It's been about 3 hours now and my head still hurts :( mainly my forehead

25-10-13, 05:33
I have constant headaches but I think it's due to my neck being out - I've had a head MRI three years ago when my panic was at my worse and causing neurological symptoms but that was all clear. I need to visit my osteopath quite often to correct my spine / neck and they can give me headaches and nausea. If you've had your neck in awkward positions, that can definitely give you headaches. Take care.

25-10-13, 21:28
Thanks for your reply!
I never knew that your neck could cause headaches. I'm really hoping it's from that. When I got home from the game last night the headache got worse when I lied down , I had to kind of sleep propping myself up with pillows, it seemed to stop after that. Makes me realt worried ;(

26-10-13, 01:16
take a look at the SCM muscle. When held in certain positions for long periods of time..or in awkward positions...it will flare up causing headaches and eye aches etc. It could even cause hoarse throat and dry coughs!!! I never knew a muscle in the neck could produce such odd behavior in the body.

I used a high pillow that was too firm and I had neck pains.

26-10-13, 02:55
That's very interesting! It could be related to that, but I'm not too sure. Today it didn't hurt at all until I turned my head to the left again, I get this pain only in the upper left side. Could it just be because of how I held that position for so long last night and it's still tender?

26-10-13, 16:07
Anyone? Still today when I have my head turned to the left, after a few seconds I can feel the left sided head pains coming :(

Daisy Sue
26-10-13, 16:14
I often get headaches, and some of them are definitely related to my neck... can you feel a particularly sore spot in the neck/shoulder muscle on the side that you have the headache?

Warmth can help, like a heated pad on the neck & shoulder where it's tender, & also having your neck supported when you sleep... I tend to bunch my pillow up so it's under my neck (if I sleep on my side).

04-11-13, 03:47
Thanks for the reply, I don't really tend to fee much neck/shoulder pain. It is a pain that radiates in the top of my head and goes along the sides sometimes. If I look to my left, or right I get top of head pain and pain on the side of my head that I'm looking at.

Along with that, I usually always seem to feel a sensation at the top of my head. Or as if there is someone resting a hand on my head, it worries me to think that's where the brain tumour must be located. :(